
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
Quote: Original post by AnonymousPosterChild
Quote: Original post by meganfox
Entry: Kasei

Any real reason your screenshots have to be nearly a meg in siz,e each?

It's because they look awesome ... ;)
Quote: Original post by Avatar God
By the way, I loved A Violent World [grin].

Sweet, thanks. :D Let's hope the judges do too. Or, I'm gonna hope so but I can understand if you wont. ;)
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
As for our dubious entry well in less than 24 hours it was featured on 2 indie gaming website and the art director at popcap gave is opinion on it ( we did not have to ask for anything... they came to us ).

"Frankly I kind of like having that sort of thing around... since there IS no PC version of Lumines, having a freeware/open-source version is kind of handy to have around, and it's clearly motivated by love of the game rather than any desire to make money off someone else's work."

"You're clearly not out to make a quick buck on it, and I do understand why having a version of Lumines out on the PC is desirable. So what you've done is in many ways admirable."
Jason Kapalka
Creative Director, PopCap Games


We also have more than 300 downloads from our website so far... and maybe even more from the gamedev sever .

that makes a lot of dubious people

[Edited by - sinx on November 2, 2005 3:43:55 PM]
Quote: Original post by sinx
As for our dubious entry well in less than 24 hours it was featured on 2 indie gaming website and the art director at popcap gave is opinion on it ( we did not have to ask for anything... they came to us ).

"Frankly I kind of like having that sort of thing around... since there IS no PC version of Lumines, having a freeware/open-source version is kind of handy to have around, and it's clearly motivated by love of the game rather than any desire to make money off someone else's work."

"You're clearly not out to make a quick buck on it, and I do understand why having a version of Lumines out on the PC is desirable. So what you've done is in many ways admirable."
Jason Kapalka
Creative Director, PopCap Games


We also have more than 300 downloads from our website so far... and maybe even more from the gamedev sever .

that makes a lot of dubious people

Have you even READ the tigsource forum replies? You aren't getting that hot of reviews.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
yes i dit... didt you notice i was a poster there too ? if you would really have read it carefully you would have seen that i answered all their comments.

our game is in beta stage... we will take all the comments to make final version perfect

[Edited by - sinx on November 2, 2005 7:03:10 PM]
And i'm not saying the GAME is dubious, im saying as a 4E entry the theme link is tenuous at best. I'm glad the title has had a good reception, its a good idea, it just isn't a fair 4E entry. I thaught you had been through all this a few pages back?
------ ----- ---- --- -- is searching for talented and friendly developers. Visit our Help Wanted post for more info!My Indie development uber Journal - A game production walk through.
the contest was open to games and demos....

so if would we had made cool moving screen saver like visuals using robot and ninja themes it would have count as a valid entry

now add a game on top of that... and you certainly have a valid entry

maybe you can call it a cheeky entry :) there is more chances that i will agree on that than dubious

[Edited by - sinx on November 2, 2005 10:13:16 PM]
Well, I'm okay with APC's entry being valid [grin].
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by sinx
historicly text game have been disqualified tho... and it sure doest give us any clue on is skills.. or maybe that was it ?

ho no theres some proofs of is skills on is webpage , i apologise

thats is actual homepage by the way :)

THat link hasnt been valid for over 6 months now. I never update my sig.

Anything that was there can probably be found HERE and in its parent directory.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
I can't speak for other people on this forum, but you're becoming an extreme ass, sinx.

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