
[4E4] Post yer Screenshots

Started by June 28, 2005 12:45 PM
717 comments, last by 18 years, 10 months ago
Showing the gamedev a little love... (look closely)

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hehe, i finded a cookie!
Here's a kindof boring screenshot from my entry:

(high res (1280x1024) )

(Apologies for jpeg compression artifacts and the resizing it from its original size)

It doesn't really show any gameplay (some of the models still need a bit of polishing [;)]), but I guess it gives a bit of an idea what it's like. I probably won't win since I waited way too long to start working on my entry (I only just started about 3 weeks ago), but it's been a lot of fun making it :). I can't wait to play everyone elses games, it looks like there's some cool ones.
Oh man your entry makes me cry. I think I'm going to drop out now. Err...

jk. Nice shots mang. I look forward to playing your game.
I've had fun time keeping this project a suprise, but now is a good time for me to finally show some love. My game is Zheigenbuerg, a two-dimensional two-level horror platformer. Thanks to everyone here at for motivation to finish this project. Now to finally start these damn college applications!

Main Menu

Level One

Level Two

All the Bottles of Bawls I Drank to Keep Awake
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
@The Senshi:
Please don't say you wrote the engine in 3 weeks...
I'm SO hoping that good engines don't win prizes by themselves - I know the judges say otherwise but we'll see!

Damnit you're using a free texture the same as mine. I guess it's a common thing with the free resource thread!
Quote: Original post by d000hg
@The Senshi:
Please don't say you wrote the engine in 3 weeks...
I'm SO hoping that good engines don't win prizes by themselves - I know the judges say otherwise but we'll see!

I didn't write the engine in three weeks, just the game, although a lot of subsystems in the engine I did write during those three weeks ( 3d sound, terrain LOD, grass, and a few other things ). It's more than just a pretty engine though :P
Gamedev's 4E4 contest entry is available here

here is our humble entry :) please try it out

this game is 100% modifiable so if you want to do your own version just go ahead ! open up the ninja.xml or robot.xml and edit it... or open up any .xml files : you can edit any screen and any animation / music / graphic using simple xml functions

we will be updating it ourselves with different skins and other neat stuff in a week or so.

We will also start a forum for people wanting help on modding :)

[Edited by - sinx on October 31, 2005 11:47:11 AM]
Way to post in 3 different threads.
Quote: Original post by d000hg
@The Senshi:
Please don't say you wrote the engine in 3 weeks...
I'm SO hoping that good engines don't win prizes by themselves - I know the judges say otherwise but we'll see!

Gee, it looks familiar... but this time, with a pirate hook.

(of course, it *does* still look sweet)
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

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