
I sold my house 'bout to finance a game development

Started by May 13, 2019 03:00 AM
44 comments, last by Dan Violet Sagmiller 5 years, 3 months ago
1 hour ago, Matt Cockram said:

Are we ignoring the fact he sold his house? okay then

He established that he has a small flat to live in, and is single/engaged so the flat is sufficient. The house was his father's, I assume it was an inheritance. In that case, it's probably not a huge deal that he sold it. If he doesn't need it, and doesn't want to be bothered with trying to rent it or mortgage it, might as well sell it to get some investment capital. I personally don't have a problem with that part of the situation, as it makes a kind of sense.

3 hours ago, JTippetts said:

He established that he has a small flat to live in, and is single/engaged so the flat is sufficient. The house was his father's, I assume it was an inheritance. In that case, it's probably not a huge deal that he sold it. If he doesn't need it, and doesn't want to be bothered with trying to rent it or mortgage it, might as well sell it to get some investment capital. I personally don't have a problem with that part of the situation, as it makes a kind of sense.

Yes, that perfectly explains my situation.

Also we plan no children since she can't have children and besides, if you are familiar with the real estate business in Germany, the prices are skyrocketing now since the living of standard is extremely good and all the immigrants and everyone rich and poor is trying to get to Germany. Now, most likely that won't go on forever. The thing is "Made In China 2025" aims to overcapacity the main and core industries that are pillars of German economy. This means most likely how Huawei and etc dominated and Nokia diminished, same will follow in other high tech industries. German economy along with very divided Europe stands no chance against China. Even Americans will have troubles protecting their economy (tariffs lol). 

So the unemployment rate in Germany is at its all time low and everybody wants a house or an apartment. Once we feel the full impact of Chinese dominance in high tech area, and once people start losing jobs, nobody will want to buy a house or a flat. 

So I got rid of it on time... I will spend around 5% of it on test and trial and around 15% on a small very small game that proves the concept and gives possibility to be expended. That's all... If it works okay, I'm going all in.

I am thinking if it is smart to not talk what the game is about until I actually almost finish it or if I should share the entire idea here and also maybe go for crowd funding maybe raising couple of bucks here and there... Idk, I doub't someone would steal it lol, probably it is only a genius idea to me and mediocore for other people.

We'll see... Despite the negative comments, many people here were very helpful.

9 minutes ago, AlanDontAsk said:

negative comments,

some negative comments*

On 5/13/2019 at 12:47 AM, AlanDontAsk said:

I HATE YOU! I literally HATE people like you.

You tell other people to stop being so hateful an negative and then say something,like this?!?!
Respect other people and they will respect you.

I'm sorry, but the moderators on this website do a very good job, so I couldn't leave that statement unadressed.
Peace, and God bless.

This is an objectively bad idea

31 minutes ago, conquestor3 said:

This is an objectively bad idea

But what's objectively bad is subjective ?


*OP = Original poster

I don't think i posted for several years, but my god people, control yourself, don't bash the OP, he just asked for help, and you are being typical internet trolls.

Second, Tom Sloper has my thumbs up, he did his job, this thread WAS posted on wrong forum.

The fact that OP didn't like answer Tom Sloper gave, to which answer i agree with, no need to explode on him like that.

To the OP:

Where do i start... I'd need to write a book here because the question is comparable to "How to make million dollars in a year", so here i go.


"I sold my house 'bout to finance a game development"

That is like the worst thread name iv'e seen in a long time. What you are asking for is to get harassed, and that's exactly what is happening.

Start with making a new post, with specific question in it, WHY THE PHUCK did you even mention you sold your house?

"So I already sold my house so please do not try to tell me how "it is destined to fail". I only have one life I am willing to try some"

You don't have time for negativity... Take a breath, you can do this, but you have to be smart about it.


So when viewed from above entire earth would have its properties and behaviors and characters but then again zooming in to the city, rules and characters change and then of course once inside of a building new characters and rules. So on the streets we would have cars and clours above them. Inside of the building we would have a human standing and a toy car driving around him.

Basically a level within a level within a level.

Keep in mind, other than playing some games I have 0 experience in these things especially coding.

So when I meet some programmers, I have to tell them what to do. What technique is best for this? what coding language? What game engine? Is Unreal engine suitable for this?

What not to do: is not ask random people on internet to give you potentially fundamentally wrong information upon which you will build your foundation on.
What to do: Rent expert in field of programming? Present your idea, and give him time to research, do his thing, and come up with the answer to your question.


My 2 cents:

Completely doable project, your idea is unique, and if executed could be a good visually themed game.

What you described is very possible with smart masking of load times(Because there needs to be switching of levels, it cannot be all persistent That wont fit in typical 8-16 Gigabytes of PC ram memory)

What i want to ask you is:

Why should i play the game you described, if i want to see a house view and car doing circles around human inside of it i'm pretty sure there is The Electronic Arts The Sims 4, which i can assume you cannot rival to compete with attention of teenage girls or anybody playing that type of games.

Is your view of Universe, or planetary systems going to rival what's out there already? if not? why have it in first place?
Is your street view going to be any interesting, what is it going to have, what can the user do there except click to zoom inside specific house.

Sound's like your first step! don't be discouraged by internet trolls, but also a word of caution, your goal project has bean done before...
partially by other games, like i can name few games that you need to combine.
Check if you have funds to make all of these games and if so, id be interesting to play your game.

The planetary view:

The house and street view:

Offcourse count in that you wont be using all functionalities of these games, but only part of it. But for example those are two main competition you have on market that i can think off in span of minutes.


Edit: oh and, good luck!

4 minutes ago, BaneTrapper said:

*OP = Original poster

I don't think i posted for several years, but my god people, control yourself, don't bash the OP, he just asked for help, and you are being typical internet trolls.

Second, Tom Sloper has my thumbs up, he did his job, this thread WAS posted on wrong forum.

The fact that OP didn't like answer Tom Sloper gave, to which answer i agree with, no need to explode on him like that.

Nobody's trying to bring anyone down right from the start but when the OP's third post starts with "I HATE YOU!" you must expect people's willingness to help to decline somewhat.

1 hour ago, Roffe said:

but when the OP's third post starts with "I HATE YOU!" you must expect people's willingness to help to decline somewhat.

Yeah that kind of poisons the well just a bit, LOL! I didn't actually notice that until after I started tying to help.

I must admit I was very impressed that you actually helped him @Gnollrunner... I mean I call myself a Christian and I know we're supposed to do good to even those that hate us, but my reflexes like most humans instantly got turned off... I guess I'll try to do better next time :) It was a good reminder to be kind to anyone, and always love no matter who they are or how they treat you :)

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