
I sold my house 'bout to finance a game development

Started by May 13, 2019 03:00 AM
44 comments, last by Dan Violet Sagmiller 5 years, 3 months ago

I'm curious, may i ask a personal question and enquire how much your house was worth?

How much do you intend to pay developers that work on your project and what is the timeframe? -- I'm genuinely interested in that figure.

A game of this kind of scope would require tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to develop, it is a combination of google earth and GTA, both of which have hundreds of millions of dollars of development and millions of man hours sunk into them.

Unless you're selling a mansion, i think you may need further financing to see this through to the end.


49 minutes ago, VoxycDev said:

Simulating the whole Earth with all the detail down to the toys inside the houses is a very ambitious goal. Rockstar's GTA series comes to mind and it doesn't even come close to what you're talking about and they have hundreds of people working on it for years. I'd start with one city and several small buildings to get a taste for the challenges ahead.

Oh absolutely not! GTA type of a game is not something imagine...

So let us say you would have around 100 cities and in each city you would only have 2 types of buildings per each city that would be specific for only certain parts of the map.

That is all... it would be a strategy game so bottom line is: around 2 types of  buildings. Each building would have around 5 objects with their specific characteristics so that is around 1000 objects (objects would all be very similar with similar functions but all slightly different, So for example in one building youd find a car with golden doors that open horizontally, in the other youd find a car with doors that open vertically and bigger trunk)

I actually have the plan quite worked out so those numbers are not randomly given but indeed this is what it would be.

I am 100% convinced it is possible. The genere of the game would be very weird and idk what to call it...


13 minutes ago, Brain said:

I'm curious, may i ask a personal question and enquire how much your house was worth?

How much do you intend to pay developers that work on your project and what is the timeframe? -- I'm genuinely interested in that figure.

A game of this kind of scope would require tens to hundreds of millions of dollars to develop, it is a combination of google earth and GTA, both of which have hundreds of millions of dollars of development and millions of man hours sunk into them.

Unless you're selling a mansion, i think you may need further financing to see this through to the end.


The house was in Germany and it is/was my fathers house. Since I dont live there anymore and since I plan to move to America with my fiance, I decided it is best to sell it. The house was sold for 550k eur with taxes deducted. Time frame idk...  

10 minutes ago, AlanDontAsk said:

1000 objects (objects would all be very similar with similar functions but all slightly different, So for example in one building youd find a c

This is a proof that it is possible:

 It onlz depends on the simplicity and number of objects involved. Whether procedurally created or not.

This what I imagine would be 1000 objects at maximum that could be procedurally put into buildings and cities. And 200 types of buildings that would be proceduraly put into those cities. Everything else is not important. Grass, trees etc etc... Would be nice if something can be added, not mandatory for the gameplay. 


Before diving into something big, best start with something small. I've published around 8 video games whose production I handled almost entirely myself... all of them "small" games. Puzzle games, boardgames, simple arcade shooters, etc. Gives some idea what you'd be up against with something as technologically challenging as you are proposing. The amount of hassle I had making even something as small as Cognizer is hard to believe.

As you've already got an adequate flat to live in, take just a few months to make a small game first, then move on to your real project, if you still think it is viable.

31 minutes ago, Almo said:

Before diving into something big, best start with something small. I've published around 8 video games whose production I handled almost entirely myself... all of them "small" games. Puzzle games, boardgames, simple arcade shooters, etc. Gives some idea what you'd be up against with something as technologically challenging as you are proposing. The amount of hassle I had making even something as small as Cognizer is hard to believe.

As you've already got an adequate flat to live in, take just a few months to make a small game first, then move on to your real project, if you still think it is viable.

Yes... you are right. I will be wise about this. So many dislikes so many ney sayers.. like people don't even tell me nice words like you to slow down and rething or check stuff and idk. No constructive advice,they just keep hitting that dislike button and telling me to pay programmers and shut my mouth.

I can't believe how much negativity on the forum. Thank you so much for being different and sharing your opinion instead of just hitting the dislike or telling me to pay a programmer and keep my mouth shut. 


1 minute ago, AlanDontAsk said:


My post is not "negativity". It is "the reality of the challenge of video game development". I wrote it in very positive terms. It gives very specific advice about how to reach your goal. Negtivity would be, "You'll never reach this goal. Give up now." I said no such thing.

Example of the reality of game development: Two experienced developers from Harmonix (makers of Rock Band) set out to make a new rhythm game. The programmer decided to make his own engine. It took them seven years. If you watch the video below of Thumper, you will be able to tell that it is a narrow game. Yes, it's beautiful, well-polished, and super-fun. But it has so little of the complexity of your proposal.

I repeat my previous advice in full confidence that it is not "negative": make a small game first, then you will have a better idea about what your proposal will entail. That will better enable you to plan it properly and have a better chance of succeeding.

Here's what Thumper looks like. Remember, two experienced game developers, seven years.




Hi again. Just so you know......... When you quote someone you should respond below the quote box not inside it. Otherwise, it looks like he guy you were quoting wrote your reply.


Buy a few cheap buildings and cars on TurboSquid and start making cities out of them in your favorite engine. See how many buildings and cars you can cram in until you get an error or your computer starts chugging. Then make 2 cities, then 4. See how smoothly you can transition between them. Push the limits to find out where they are and where the challenges will be. I'm more familiar with the C++ side of things, so if I were you I would start working on dynamically loading and unloading cities in a separate thread and flying between them smoothly, but you can use existing solutions and see how far you can push them. Then get programmers involved.

7 minutes ago, Almo said:

My post is not "negativity". It is "the reality of the challenge of video game development". I wrote it in very positive terms. It gives very specific advice about how to reach your goal. Negtivity would be, "You'll never reach this goal. Give up now." I said no such thing.

Example of the reality of game development: Two experienced developers from Harmonix (makers of Rock Band) set out to make a new rhythm game. The programmer decided to make his own engine. It took them seven years. If you watch the video below of Thumper, you will be able to tell that it is a narrow game. Yes, it's beautiful, well-polished, and super-fun. But it has so little of the complexity of your proposal.

I repeat my previous advice in full confidence that it is not "negative": make a small game first, then you will have a better idea about what your proposal will entail. That will better enable you to plan it properly and have a better chance of succeeding.

Here's what Thumper looks like. Remember, two experienced game developers, seven years.



I understand... I mean I 100% agree with you. I will be smart and see what can be done

5 minutes ago, VoxycDev said:

Buy a few cheap buildings and cars on TurboSquid and start making cities out of them in your favorite engine. See how many buildings and cars you can cram in until you get an error or your computer starts chugging. Then make 2 cities, then 4. See how smoothly you can transition between them. Push the limits to find out where they are and where the challenges will be. I'm more familiar with the C++ side of things, so if I were you I would start working on dynamically loading and unloading cities in a separate thread and flying between them smoothly, but you can use existing solutions and see how far you can push them. Then get programmers involved.

That is very good idea! I will definitely be doing that.  i actually made couple of things in unreal engine using the nodes and some tutorials so I did not code anything. But I know how the graphic system of the engine works and how to do what you have mentioned. I will definitely be doing that.

AS for the dynamic loading and unloading that is another thing I will do.

I will try to have a bunch of random objects with random functions doing the similar tasks Id need in a bunch of random buildings and see how well computer loads and unloads.

IF I manage to solve that properly and prove myself that it can work, I am willing to start making re objects with functions and 3d models for those objects. 

Also i already have almost 1500 models I have made on my own. Many of these are buildings.... 

I will look into types of functions I need and apply random functions for such models with blueprints and even though it will make no sense and no gameplay or anything, it will be very crucia to prove that unloading and loading the amount of objects and functions that I need will actually work within the existing engine. 

When I say earth... It doesnt have to be detailed but only scale-wise it should be just as huge as real Earth compared to a building. Between those generic cities, there is no need for any kinds of details... 

A similar thing is also silent hunter series... They have real world sized maps with cities on the shores... Cities are quite details with realistic buildings and very unique looks.

Even better example is the xplane 11 series and yes i know xplane 11 is very complicated thing and many people worked on it, what i have imagined is nothing that sort of complicated and can be modular... 

For example I could first create 10 cities with their 2-3 types of buildings and in each building around 5 characters (objects) that is roughly >>> 100 characters and objects and iit would be immediately playable ... oh MY GOD!!! That is it....

I should not first create all the cities but instead create 1 city 2 types of buildings and 5 objects in each building. Then just multiply it by 100 and see how engine can handle it!!!!! 

And then if it works... just expand it... 

The principle of the game can be played practically even if there are as little as just 5 or 10 cities very generic easy to make cities with around 100 objects unique objects in all of them. 

As far as negativity goes, this forum tends to be rather specific practical solutions-oriented. When subjective things like ideas or feelings get involved, things tend to get heated and out of control rather quickly. I've been burned by this at first too. I've had better luck asking specific questions like "why is this faster than that" or "how to fix this" and providing code, screenshots or videos.

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