
Name for a fun retro RPG

Started by October 11, 2013 01:23 PM
12 comments, last by Acharis 10 years, 10 months ago

...where's your space empire management game?

I'm not making any space empire management game, I never said I did, I'm *talking* about "how a space empire management game could work in case I decide to make one one day" smile.png The RPG one is the one I'm *making*, that's a subtle, yet a significantly big difference smile.png

Now, invent me one title for the RPG I'm making smile.png

Duly noted (and a bit disappointed!).

As far as the title is concerned, I always liked how 'Eye of the Beholder' referred obviously to the creature, but also to the 'first person' nature of the game.

In that train of thought, I'd go with things such as:

Oculus Talionis (eye of retaliation)

Primus Persona Casus (first person adventure)

ad Adventurum (to adventure)

and yes, I'm part of those that find it fancy when my game's name is latin (and not wanna-be latin, mind you).

I would go with something related to the outdoorsy, wandering spirit of the game:

  • Heroes of the Highlands (snow?)
  • Plainquest (plains, quests in the open)
  • Wanderers of the Flatland - The Quest of the Eternal Unknown of Utter Importance

Plainquest sounds like something simplistic enough to stick in people's head. I don't like the aesthetics of it, but it could be a serious hit. It's as 'stupidly simple' as 'minecraft'

OK, I think I made up my mind and have choosen a name :) Thanks a lot everyone, it was helpful and refreshing reading other peoples ideas. Also if you have more of these, please still post them, I frequently have problem with this naming thing so reading others ideas is interesting.

BTW, here is the topic about the game:

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

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