
Name for a fun retro RPG

Started by October 11, 2013 01:23 PM
12 comments, last by Acharis 10 years, 11 months ago

I'm making a classic oldschool western RPG (like: Dungeon Master 1-2, Eye of the Beholder 1-3, Might & Magic 2-5, Wizardry 1-7, Ishar 1-3). I need a name for it smile.png

The game is supposed to be be: simple, fun, colourfull, fairy tale like. No complex mechanics nor heavy dialogue, just a small world to explore and to have adventures. Primary target are old geezers (like me) who wants the spirit of those old games back smile.png

About the game:
- retro, oldschool, classic RPG, for those who liked the PC/Amiga games from the late DOS era (90s)
- it is NOT a remake, it's a fully original game, just stylized like the old games

- it is NOT a dungeon crawler, important part is the exploration of the world above and cites
- first person perspective, 90 degree rotation
- simple and pure fun, you go around slaying monsters and having various quests and adventures
- non liner, not storyline driven (the main storyline is very simple), the game allows you very high freedom in terms of where to go (few locked locations, most are "if you can survive the monsters there, you can go there immediatelly")
- the world is relatively small but rich (no huge empty areas); random, completely unrelated to the main storyline NPCs inhabit wilderness




Tech demo if you are very curious smile.png Althrough that's not needed for this topic.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Well, shouldn't the name be related to the background story of the game? You only told us about mechanics, what about the story?


Well, shouldn't the name be related to the background story of the game? You only told us about mechanics, what about the story?

The game won't be focusing on the story but on the world. I don't want to tie it to a storyline since I plan more than one game with this engine(world/setting) but I want to tie it with the world.

Preferably, I would use "GAMENAME: SUBTITLE", like "World of Xelfordifalius I: The Goblin Princess" and then "World of Xelfordifalius II: The Tower of Doom", etc. In one game you would be rescuing a princess in another fighting an evil mage.

It's best if the GAMENAME was somewhat generic and fitting to the whole nostalgic RPGs style. The SUBTITLE part is not a problem, just the main name for the game.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube


Feudal Fantasy

Former Ages

Medieval Adventures

Days of Yore

Monsters equals Treasure

No Dice Needed oh crap! Run!!!

It's not the size of your sword that matters.

Is that a wand in your pocket?

This is pre-alpha but the cash shop is up and running

okay I might be rambling at this point...but hope this helps smile.png

edit: also change "rise dead" spell to "raise dead"

edit: unless you are levitating them in which case ignore previous edit or alternatively "rise from the dead"

The only things I can think of right now is:

Pixel Heart
Pixelation Exploration
First Pixel

I'll tell you if I think of more.

LOL, some of these were really "interesting" :)

OK, let's narrow it a bit.

- the name should not be too long, I think 2 words would be best?

- it should not contain word "Fantasy", it gives an impression of a jRPG (Final Fantasy) and that's an impression I want to avoid at all cost

- also all words relating to techology/graphical style, like "pixel", are not desired (althrough, "Pixel Heart" is a very tempting name, maybe for another game :D)

Originally, I was thinking of things like "Beholders & Unicorns" (but then I learned that Beholder is trademarked :() or "Obsidian Orb", "Amber/Azure something", but these are a bit console like (I think) while I want desktop PC feel. Also I was thinking about "Orb of Power" (meh), and I quite like "something Legends" (or NameOfTheWorld Legends"?)

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube


CrossWorld: Origin

'The time to slay is nigh!'

...where's your space empire management game?

...where's your space empire management game?

I'm not making any space empire management game, I never said I did, I'm *talking* about "how a space empire management game could work in case I decide to make one one day" :) The RPG one is the one I'm *making*, that's a subtle, yet a significantly big difference :)

Now, invent me one title for the RPG I'm making :)

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Acolytes and Armour

Untold Legends


Heroes of Renown

Legends of Chivalry

Mead Tales

The Lands of AAAAAAAAGH!

Fantastical Legends

When facing Dragon's, run faster than your Squire

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