
Budget Publishers?

Started by December 21, 2000 03:23 PM
24 comments, last by JackNathan 23 years, 8 months ago
> Can anybody tell me any positive experiences they
> have had with any of the budget publishers?

I punched one in the nose, it was a nice experience.
Ronald, this once more proves you don''t know the first thing about publishing or even how the process works. I''m not willing to discuss this any further as the author of Trax is happy with the results we''ve come up with until now and therefore I see no problems. I already figured you''d not admit you''re wrong and I guess you''ll never will.

Bye bye,

quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster

Alex, I just sent a copy of your message to the author of Trax, by the way your reasons for such a low sales number are really pathetic.

Hi, I''m the author of Trax.

I am currently happy with Crystals performance with regard to Trax. Apart from the fact that Crystal generally don''t pay advances they seem like any other publisher, but give a better royalty and allow the author to retain their copyrights.

I''ve been involved with many crooked publishers and crystal just don''t behave like them. I have no reason to suspect crystal of anything dishonest. I have received cash advances from crystal and it is something that any dishonest publisher would not do.

I''m not quite sure why you''ve anonymously decided to launch this crusade against crystal or why you keep throwing figures around. What really annoys me is that you seem to be fighting on my behalf when I simply disagree with your comments.

I''m sorry, but I have to post here too, I just can''t resist!

5,000 sales of a budget game which has only been available for a few months is not bad. I would be very satisfied with such results. But what do I know?

About Crystal Interactive being a one man firm... If that is so, what difference does it make if the company can offer quality services? Anyway, check out the Contact and Corporate section of the Crystal website. They have offices in Europe and Asia as well.
--------------------Help Needed!Turn-based 20th century strategy wargameTitle still to be determined
Ok Mark, the 3 previous questions HAVE NOT BEEN ANSWERED yet, could just you answer them? Plus a forth one would be nice.

1)How many copies has Alex sold of Trax?
2)Since when?
3)Exactly how much money you got by now?
4)How many people work in Crystal Interactive, 1 or more?

I''m not asking ''confidencial'' information, any decent publisher makes all the info of sales public, you have services like which tells you the number of copies sold of a lot of videogames. Just answer the 4 questions please.

Nicole Poster (wife of Anonymouse Poster)
Anonymous Poster Inc.
I would say this has gone on long enough. Time to end it.

My thanks to everyone who maintained their patience and retained their cool. Despite the vitriol that this type of discussion always spawns, I would say this is one of the best discussions on the topic we''ve had in a very long time.

And let it be the last for a bit, eh? At least until after the new year. :-)

Have fun!

Samu Games

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