
Budget Publishers?

Started by December 21, 2000 03:23 PM
24 comments, last by JackNathan 23 years, 8 months ago
Do you want a proof? Ok, Alex, please tell us how many copies have you sold of the game Trax (which everybody can see at your website) by now, don''t tell me how many copies you think you will sell, just the number of copies already sold, for how long you have had that game for sale and how much money the developer got from it. I already know the answers but I would like to hear them from you. Just as a proof that I''m not joking the numbers I have are 1620 copies from March/2000 until now (9 monthes).
Is that right or not?
If it''s true it''s a proof that your distribution is pathetic.
If it''s false and you sold more then start writing a check and calling a lawyer.
And by the way, I''m not Ben Woodhouse.
And where there are flies there''s shit.
Another thread that has degenerated. If you don''t like Crystal don''t publish with them. If you don''t like egames don''t publish with them, and if you don''t have the strength of your convictions enough to post your name, then don''t post.
Moderators.... can we close this thread?
I don''t like to see that other developers want to work with
a fake company (because of nice words of our master criminal devil "Alex de Vries" ), not knowing that it is true a fake company at first. We know it and we share that information.
What is wrong with that?

Best Regards,

Ronald Logan
I don''t like to see that other developers want to work with
a fake company (because of nice words of our master criminal devil "Alex de Vries" ), not knowing that it is true a fake company at first. We know it and we share that information.
What is wrong with that?

Best Regards,

Ronald Mancze
Also you are doing advertising "Looking for Developers" against the law of this messageboard!!!
You need to advertise for it in the jobsection and then you have to pay for it, Dork.
cliffski, he asked for proofs and he got them , if he refuses to reply my question then it''s a proof that his company is fake, period.

He was always saying "show proofs" and now that I wrote something you ask for the thread to be closed... coincidence?

Dear Ronald Logan, Mancze or whatever your name is,

We have had Trax on sale since September 2000 as the jewel case design was completed in August. As any idiot knows you have to pre-sell in August in order to get ANYTHING in before Christmas and therefore Trax has not taken full potential of our distribution strength. By the way, with your accusation that we "only" sold 1620 copies you''re not only wrong, but also acknowledge the fact that we do not use eGames to publish and distribute our products. I''m not quite sure how you get confidential information like the sales figures you mentioned but 1620 copies after the Christmas pre-sales deadline of August was already pretty reasonable and we currently have roughly 5,000 units on back-order to ship in January/February. This is real, solid and confirmed. Not bad for sales in months when even Activision can''t get anything in!

Now I do not know any Ronald Logan or Ronald Mancze so imagine how sad you must be to prove a point you can A) not prove, ever, and B) Will not benefit you even remotely.

I will give the author of Trax a call this afternoon as I really want to get to the bottom of this. 1620 units was a figure I only mentioned to him in November, so the only source you could have gotten it from is him.

As to your comments regarding posting for developers in the message board section I apologize for doing anything I wasn''t supposed to, as I simply didn''t know.

And last but not least, let cliffski and all of the other people who decide to work with us do so. You know I''m the devil in disguise, I was responsible for bad crops for the last 1,000 years and I enjoy strangling frogs. Now don''t tell anyone otherwise they might take notice... That would really destroy my reputation (yeah right!).

Huh this thread is ending up like all the other budget threads in the archives. Oh well. Let me try changing the question a little bit. Can anybody tell me any positive experiences they have had with any of the budget publishers?


Edited by - JackNathan on December 28, 2000 10:30:22 AM
Alex, I just sent a copy of your message to the author of Trax, by the way your reasons for such a low sales number are really pathetic.

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