
SpriteLib contest

Started by April 23, 2000 08:39 PM
90 comments, last by SeanHowe 24 years, 4 months ago
Shaolin crashed the first time I ran it, but after reading the readme file (heh.. like I ever do that first I set it to run in 16 bit mode instead of 24. (I guess the machine at work doesn''t support 24 bit color. Um.. uh.. no, I wasn''t playing games at work.

If anybody has any problems with my game (Bugz) feel free to send me an email at, and I''ll try to resolve them. Also, critiques and suggestions (how I could do things better) for future games are welcome.

Jesse Chounard
Bugz, that was the tetris-type game, right?

All in all, I liked it. The mechanic, while not overly original, worked just fine (and I have no room to complain). I especially liked the big horizontal waves that would come down from time to time, just to throw a wrench in the works.

- Sound. If the game had sound, either I don''t remember it or it wasn''t working on my machine.

- Moving down was kinda choppy. I had to hit the down button several times to get a piece to move to the bottom. Probably just have to mess with your keyboard routines a bit.

If you want to see what the future of puzzle games is gonna be like, check out Chu Chu Rocket on Dreamcast. Despite graphics as primitive as SpriteLib, the game is awesone. It''s always throwing curves at you and popping up boxes saying that you''re in Super Triple Score Mode for the next ten seconds or that you''re in Triple Speed Mode for the next five.

The occasional horizontal wave in Bugz reminded me of Chu Chu a bit. Just throw in a snotty voice shouting "Take that, weaselboy!", and you''ll have something with legs longer than just the contest

Ya know, I think this contest could be the start of something good. People can submit small projects and allow everyone to critique ''em. Wouldn''t surprise me if something commercial could arise from it. Kinda like stone soup.

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

Sorry to hear some of you can''t run Shaolin Soldier, yes it is a VB app, because I can produce VB games faster, and as its only a 2D game speed wasn''t totally important.

Have you tried changing the Setting.ini so the game uses 16bpp instead of 24. If it doesn''t work after this then I''m not sure what to suggest, as all the computers I have run the game.
Maybe you don''t have enough video memory!
Black Edge Games
I was quite impressed by the number of entries , for a while there , I thought there was gonna be just three entries . I ''ll probably post mine up on Saturday night ,or maybe Sunday morning . Title is Radik , and I''ll be the guy with the real long name So , are you guyz going to send my fastgraph copy by overnight mail , or regular mail (me and my big mouth)

I knew the man before he died , Hell has chosen well.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Just kind of wondering, when did this contest start?

I started coding today. I got a 256 color title screen displaying in full screen via DirectX 3. Now I just need to write the game part =)

Btw, that Starboy game just posted is really cool even though it has no sound. I wish I had time to do something that good.

- n8

I thought it was cool to see a VB app, Freeride. It worked well on my computer.

"... you act as if stupidity were a virtue."
-- Flight of the Phoenix
"If you build it, it will crash."
I just begun my Game (yesterday) Currently Codenamed:''Shaolin Psycho'' (Due to the fact that the main character uses the Spritelib Graphics file called shaolin.bmp - And that it''s a last minute ''PSYCHO'' attempt to code a Game for a Game contest in the final days.

Mines a Platformer, So far it runs in 320x200 - 256 Colours. At 60Hz - I think you guys will like it, even though it''s just a 2 day Project LOL - (Currently standing at 3500 Lines / 14 Hours Work)

I think that every person who submits a game into a Contest should be rewarded something like a '''' T-Shirt, so that they can show off to their mates etc "I did that!!!".

anywayz I gotta go and do some more coding.

Flash Pool - Pool/Billiards game for Facebook (developed by Memir).
Memir is entering the competion ? Hmmmmmmm this could get interesting , BTW loved mudhunt I think the T-shirt idea will make everone feel like a winner .

..Trying to take me outta the Ghetto , but I'm still buck wild . So I'll hustle up wit em , knuckle up wit em hoody hooo..............
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Hey, I like the T-Shirt idea. I don''t mean free though. If you guys at GameDev would be willing to put together a special shirt for the people who entered the contest, I''d definitely buy one.

Also, another idea I had is that we could have an audience award. (Like at the IGF.) I don''t know what prize we could give, other than a big round of virtual applause, because I wouldn''t want to push Diana or the good people at GameDev''s generosity any further.

Jesse Chounard

(I''m kinda torn on which one I''d vote for, if we did this. These games are loads of fun. Good work everybody.)
quote: Original post by nathany

Just kind of wondering, when did this contest start?

I started coding today. I got a 256 color title screen displaying in full screen via DirectX 3. Now I just need to write the game part =)

Btw, that Starboy game just posted is really cool even though it has no sound. I wish I had time to do something that good.

- n8

It started sometime toward the beginning of March.

Kevin Hawkins

Admin for

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