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Latest rendering Activity

giuseppe7 said:
I dispatch a Compute Shader for each instance of my model. So for example, I have 30 instancies, I dispatch a Compute Shader 30 times.

It's no mistake, but i think your approach is very inefficient.
It looks you launch only one workgroup, then wait until it is done, then launch the nex…

LOD selection issue

I've used progressive lod only with storing clusters directly in nodes, not groups of clusters.

I'm not sure how do you want to work with group of clusters there (or how that works in general) - the problem with DAG for LOD is that once you include single child of a parent - you have to exclude ALL …


I'm developing a Hierarchical LOD Nanite-style system using meshoptimizer. I'm having troubles with how to create a local index buffer from a group of merged meshlets. Is there a correct way to create a local index buffer from a group of merged meshlets? Do you have any suggestions or advice on tha…

April 21, 2024 03:46 PM
zephyr3d v0.4.0 Released - 3D rendering framework for WebGL & WebGPU

Zephyr3d is an open sourced 3d rendering framework for browsers that supports both WebGL and WebGPU, developed in TypeScript. 


Zephyr3d is primarily composed of two sets of APIs: the Device API and the Scene API.

  • Device API
    The Device API provides a set of low-level abstraction wrappe…
Understanding the wavy-like shape in alpha-testing magnification for text rendering

AliAbdulKareem said:
What I don't get about it, is why does it only happen on diagonal edges or so it seems?

If the edge is aligned to the grid axis, either X or Y remain constant. So if we sample along the edge we stay always at the same ‘error’. We're still on a hyperbola as you've figured out, but…


@cgrant Many thanks for the reply, I will see the link that you sent to me 


JoeJ said:
The only way around that is 'foveated rendering', which is extremely promising, but requires an eye tracker on every display. : (

Yeah, I've been thinking about that also. Didn't know the name for it. It's a very situation-specific thing, I think, unless you're simply reducing the resoluti…


One thing that seems to be missing is any discussion of ray tracing algorithms. For instance, you could have the students implement a simple Whitted ray tracer or possibly a path tracer. This could also include discussion of acceleration structures and BVH, which is good general knowledge to have.


Weird triangle facet blend error when redering transparent material using weighted blended OIT method

@Aressera Why would a wired Triangle not exhibit weird traits when being blended incorrectly? Especially if padding is the issue? In regards to bot-speak why is reeking the term and not produce a scent akin to Gardenia? It's incoherence is based on an amateur's reflection regarding the issue, I don…


Okay so I'm gonna leave my (theoretical) solution here for posterity in case anyone's curious as to how I ended up solving this in the future:

Within the render graph I have a static array of 4 descriptor set data objects that houses the descriptor set and the corresponding layout, one for each majo…


Nagle said:

Who let the spammers in? Does this place have a “Report spam” button?

Yes?  Top right corner of a post, the three dots stacked on top of each other, then click the “Report” link that pops up.

Creating a beautiful dungeon terrain

It's not at all clear that the rocks are just flat quads. You could easily model the rocks as a few hundred triangles per section, and no graphics card will have a particular problem rendering the twenty sections that would be on screen at a time, even back 15 years ago.

Alternatives to get the rock…


Hello, I'm game developer from korea.

I wanna introduce my in-house game engine.

I just wanna share my works with peoples and talks about it....

Please talks your opinion freely! I want advice of experienced people.

I have been making in-house game engine for a year.

I'm trying make game engine easy to …

January 09, 2022 10:47 PM
DevBlog 12 - Rendering Planets and Stars Without A Skybox

I've created a starfield environment to give the game some life.

no longer do you have to fly around in pitch black, getting lost in the void.

now there are stars, planets, and a local sun.  

the fighters are now lit via the local star's direction vector from the origin.

the planets are also lit f…


cozzie said:
Hi. This article has been there for a while, but imho the core concept still stands: https://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=86

Yes, this is good article, but what about sorting and culling for instanced(grass, bushes, trees) objects ? It can reduce performance. I think should con…

Directional Light Shadow Mapping Issues

there is also an opengl call to get rid of noises, it would be hard to tell if it will help on you but its called glPolygonOffset and must be enabled with glenable with GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL (and disable it once you are done).


Key_C0de said:
Should I even bother sorting the Passes though (in my small game engine)?

It's probably not necessary. I make the programmer order them correctly in the first place  - the API uses scoped handles for inputs/outputs, so it's impossible to feed the output of a later stage into an ea…


So I took a look at my ui vertex shader

#version 450 core

layout (location = 0) in vec2 vertex;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 uv;
layout (location = 2) in mat4 instanceM;

out VS_OUT {
 vec4 FragPos;
 vec2 FragUV;
} vs_out;

uniform mat4 M;
uniform mat4 P;
uniform bool instanced = false;

void main…

FoolishWasTaken said:
I never thought about the “being able to replace” certain components at runtime.

Maybe your starting point was wrong. Reading it again, you seem mostly worried about code/class structure. This is quite normal for us, techies, we worry a lot about such things. However, user needs…


for code & demo, u need to check these out:



it is not as general as the previous link i shared but this one still cuts the mushroom  ?

it should definitely get you coding;

u got all u need now;

all the best…


I don't know of one, omnibus resource for this.

Most of the integration with physics/rendering depends entirely on how your game itself works, which means that a solution that works for, say, Street Fighter, probably won't work for Forza, and what works for Forza might not be right for Overwatch.



Hi guys! I'm creating a cave scene where I want my 2D point lights to provide most of the illumination, but I can't seem to get my scene to darken. I'm using the URP template in 2019.4.1 and even when I change the ambient color in the lighting settings to black, it doesn't change the lighting in my…

January 16, 2020 11:23 PM
Rasterize voxels #6 I'm still working

Some points that were pending.

The format of the octree can be multilevel, keeping, instead of the color, the address of the octree that follows it, and if the octree that continues is the same, then it will be infinitely recursive, get to do a test of this and it worked.

In the first versions of thi…
