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Latest programming Activity

I'm looking for someone who can program more complex things.I have a great idea for a game that could be successful, but I don't know how to put it all together, so I'm looking for a team to make it happen. Anyone interested, let me know, thanks!

[Programming] DINOSAUR PLANET 64 REMAKE! Fan Made Lost N64 Game Remaster, Devs needed! (Concept Pics/Videos Included)

Hey JoLumaya, 

We are an experienced team of developers and are pleased to assist you with your project to create a remake of Dinosaur Planet based on the leaked 2021 Beta build. We can create a complete and enhanced version of Dinosaur Planet that includes the missing content from the beta and…


What about computing for a number of NPCs when they could finish the new task given the work they already have?

You could use heuristics like distance, or amount of work they already have, or expertise or … to reduce computation time,


When I came to this website, I was  a newbie dev, with very little knowledge and view point. I gained some amazing advise and insight which really helped me a lot. So thanks to people here to being friendly and supported and keep doing the good job. I too will try to help as much as I can, wou…

[Rev share] Programmers wanted for projects that will actually finish

I'm looking for non-beginner unity programmers for an RTS inspired by Red Alert, Tiberian Sun, Supreme Commander and other games from the golden age of RTS games. This game will take place in the near future and will feature slightly scifi units but with a very military feel to them. We are current…


A major part of gameplay is making sure objects are at the right places at the right times. This means you must understand the mechanisms behind how objects in a scene are placed at a particular position. You need to know how to do stuff like program a door to swing open when activated, or calculat…


benjamin.lohr770 said:
The AI will do the rest with exploring, talking, eating, and so on. So to wrap it all up into on question how are you able to have AI communicate with other AI in video games?

Personally i look at it differently: There are not multiple AIs talking to each other. There is just o…


@undefined Thank you for sharing this with me. This new style of AI will surely help me grow and learn more about AI. I am developing a game for my college class and wanted to expand my horizon in the AI field for it so thank you!




Hey all,

Glad to have recently been pointed to this amazing community.  I've read over several topics, and I've got to say I'm impressed with just how helpful and responsive this community is.

I'm currently in school for game development, and I was wondering if anyone had really good resources t…


Hello, I am a young game developer. I embarked on the perilous adventure of creating a first-person horror game inspired by several games:

Condemned “https://store.steampowered.com/app/4720/Condemned_Criminal_Origins/?l=french”

Silent Hill (do I need to introduce it to you?)

ill “https://store.steampo…

September 26, 2023 03:11 PM

toaderman said:
Does anyone have any advice on how to start out or recommend any good courses on how to learn Unity and C#?

This depends on your goals.

If your goal is to just make something, then it doesn't really matter much, get whatever you want to dive in to your learning journey. Unity's website…



I'm trying to combine my vertex buffer and index buffer into one buffer, then copy it to the VRAM.

After that I want to use barriers to synchronize Resource States.

Something like this:

vertices = {.…}
Indices = {….}

Resource* meshBuffer;
Resource* uploadBuffer;

Revolutionize gaming with us: Join our indie dev team now as a programmer!

alvaro said:

Maybe close the thread? If anyone has anything to say about this, they can start a new thread. I think that would be less confusing.

Yes, good idea. Closed.

June 29, 2023 04:41 PM

@_Silence_ OK Silence, gotcha. I'm going to change the terms I'm using right now, I am sorry for being such an uninformed bozo here. 

HMM I didn't know it was this easy to make a game in Unreal. What I really wanted to do was to add some C++ coding, to be honest. I am going to check out the API…

June 01, 2023 09:20 AM

@fleabay I don't know, maybe because I a new user.

June 26, 2023 06:49 PM
Developing systems - Devlog #02

Last week I mentioned context and how I work better with it. Normally for me its looking over code or a system that's already implemented in some way learning how it works and then creating my own interpretation of it - one such system is the ‘new’ Input System. 

My project grew from the Third …

June 17, 2023 01:47 PM
Your First Unreal C++ Class - UE C++ Tutorial 2

How to make a new C++ actor and use it in blueprint!
Some Dos-and-Don'ts of creating Unreal C++ classes that can be used in the editor and blueprint.
Basic Unreal Header Tool Introduction and how to properly mark up your classes to be used with the Engine.  

Unfortunately this video was recorded …

June 04, 2023 02:42 PM
UE C++ Tutorial 1 - My personal AAA set up for working with Unreal Engine C++

How to set up some commonly used AAA tools for C++ programmers who make games in Unreal!
(Scroll down for video)

Once you get into the industry, you will find that there are some common work flows and tools used among AAA developers at various studios. I go over some of these tools and how to set the…


While making games I have noticed that almost every behavior tree editor is kinda complicated.

So while working in Godot and Unity I have decided to make my own Behavior Tree Editor which will simplify designing the behavior of NPC and also programming it.

Gold Behavior Tree WILL program NPC for YOU …

[Leek programming game: Leek Wars


I forgot to mention that the game is coded with the following technologies:

  • Front end: Vue.js, TypeScript, CodeMirror, Vuetify
  • Back end : PHP, Java, Nginx, Docker, Traefik
  • Software: VSCode, Gimp, Inkscape, Blender

Do not hesitate if you have any questions or suggestions :)


frob said:
Going further: companies don't hire workers for the worker's ideas. The company isn't going to make your ideas, they are hiring you to make their ideas. Your ideas really don't figure in to the equation.

it's disturbing how many people in games don't understand this. 

This seems to be …


Those aren't particularly good answers for an RTS.

RTS games typically end up with very specific needs very deep in the simulation and networking stack, to actually work well. Not designing with tools that address those needs up front, will inevitably lead to project failure. In my opinion, it's eve…

April 09, 2023 07:15 PM
Zengine - Game engine editor and Render-Scene Graph

Following up from the previous blog post about the Java engine or “Zengine” that I'm developing with my friend. I was contemplating how to go about implementing an editor build or rather multiple build types for editing and for a game. After doing some brainstorming I've figured out how to implemen…


Moved to the Career forum. And see the responses mruckman, joshp-h, and icywolf8240 got when they asked the same question yesterday and today. Maybe they're classmates of yours. ​


January 30, 2023 01:32 PM
Wave Function Collapse for procedural generation in Unity

Original article from pvs-studio.com.

Wave Function Collapse is an algorithm that can generate anything by arranging it according to rules or samples. In this article, we are going to look at how to use WFC to generate a map in Unity.

A curious project I found on GitHub inspired me to write this arti…

October 17, 2022 03:50 PM
Game Boy Coding Adventure

In my life, there were two personal projects I kept putting aside over and over: writing a book and programming retro consoles. With COVID leading to so much time spent at home, I finally caught up on those two projects at once by writing a Game Boy programming ebook: Game Boy Coding Adventure.


April 24, 2022 04:56 PM
DevBlog 24 - Level and Campaign Mod Editor

A level editor that can be used to make mods.  

I've strived to make tools that can be used to add mods to the game, and build the game through those tools.

This update brings the level editor.

You edit the level with a free form WASD camera.  

You can create, save, and load level JSON files …

April 18, 2022 12:42 AM
DevBlog 23 - Light Speed VFX, Player Slow Motion, and Asteroids

The Space Jump effect is pretty simple when looking at its individual components.

Previously I created a 3D star field for the environmental rendering.

I use the 3D locations of these stars in the effect.

When the effect starts, I start cranking up the light emitted for each star.

This is done by just …

August 17, 2021 10:27 AM
Esenthel Engine huge update - Switch, vs Unreal/Unity, SuperRes, AO, MotionBlur, Bloom/Glow/Emissive

Esenthel Engine - http://esenthel.com/ - the Free and Open Source Game Engine

Just got a Huge Update:

#1) Nintendo Switch™ support

Esenthel Engine Nintendo Switch™ support is now complete and available to all Nintendo Authorized Developers.

Download Esenthel Engine from - https://github.com/Esenth…

Woody's Games
February 27, 2021 04:42 AM
Implementation of Sky Mirror · Strolling

After having the worldview, game concept and design blueprints, I was able to start developing this game. This game should take priority over mobile devices, so mobile optimization was considered beforehand. In this Unity project, I used all sorts of optimization techniques to reduce the performanc…

PVS-studio team
November 10, 2020 07:59 AM
PVS-Studio for Indie Developers

Independent game developers, whether single enthusiasts or teams, are faced with the grave problem of having to eliminate bugs from their code. Most independent developers and even studios can't afford the amounts of resources available to large companies to spend on testing and long debugging. And…

October 08, 2020 06:33 PM
Writing readable code (tips and guides)

If you're a seasoned programmer, you might know this already, but it's also likely that you ignore it for the same reason.

 I am a huge fan of writing clear, readable code, so in stead of a pure devblog, I wanted to spend some time on what I think should be adopted by every programmer - readabi…

September 17, 2020 06:08 PM
The first push

I have started my little project a couple of days ago in Unity, and so there's already some stuff to be written about. 

Today, my work from two first days. Tommorow, I'll write about the third and the fourth day. As the time goes on I hope to post whenever I make a bigger commit to my repositor…

July 12, 2020 06:42 AM
BI - Devblog[#8]
Hey guys! ?  Finally, we have finished  semester exams at the university and now we devote more time to the project. During the session, we did not do much, but we also did not sit idly by.

So let me share with you our progress

New FX

Let me introduce a new spawning effect for units

May 11, 2020 06:53 PM
BI - Devblog[#4]
Hello everyone, today is part 4 of our devblog and I want to share what we have done this week.

In today's blog you will not see some fantastic new features ? cause for the most part we polishing what we have now and add new content.

New content

In this week I added new type of towers: Archer tower. …

May 04, 2020 09:03 PM
BI - Devblog[#3]
Good evening everyone!

In today's DevBlog, we’ll talk a bit about the promised inventory and how it works.

Shop Mechanic

When we thought about the inventory, we wanted to make a traditional store, where in some corner of the screen there will be a panel with towers that you can buy.However, this idea…

January 03, 2020 02:53 PM
Issue #25 - Render Pipelines, Memory Management, Editor Scripts, DOTS/ECS, Shaders, Great Assets, Pl

*Read the full newsletter originally posted with its original formatting at GameDevDigest.com

Directional Shadows - This is the fourth part of a tutorial series about creating a custom scriptable render pipeline. It adds support for cascaded shadow maps.
Catlike Coding

See Through Walls …
