Drag[en]gine Game Engine Release 1.1

Published May 24, 2020

Toothing problems are over, here comes the Dragon!

First releases usually get a follow up release quickly to get out the initial troubles. That's why this release is also nick-named Toothing Problems :D. Get the 1.1 release files from the Download Section. You can install it over the 1.0 release but I would suggest uninstalling the 1.0 first. Keeps the engine directory cleaner.

You can find the full Changelog of the latest release on this Perma-Link: Changelog Latest Release

Besides Bug-Fixes there are also Feature-Additions, namely Outline and Interact-Prompt behaviors added. More information you find at the Developer Wiki (behaviors with 1.1 noted)

Videos: Outline Texture Properties , Interact Prompt Behaviors

You can also find the full Changelog of the upcoming release on this Perma-Link: Changelog Upcoming Release

If you find bugs or missing features please Please report them on GitHub or at the Developer Forum.

If you have questions, suggestions or other inquiries you can PM me here or using the Contact Page.

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Code is under LGPL 3 for anyone interested.

May 25, 2020 10:16 PM
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