Drag[en]gine Game Engine Release 1.0

Published April 21, 2020

It's time to unleash the Dragon

The first public release of the Drag[en]gine Game Engine is up and kicking. To get your fill head over to Dragondreams.ch which is the new home of everything related with the Drag[en]gine Game Engine and the Epsylon Game. You can also look at the IndieDB Engine Profile as well as the engine project page on gamedev.

Under the Download Section you can find all available downloads for Linux and Windows. Linux is the main development target so you get the most value out of it there.

No matter if Gamer or Developer you need to install the Game Engine first (green box). The game engine installation is shared across all titles build upon it. Install once and not worry about compatibility issues with every new title you obtain.

If you are a Developer also install the Development Environment (blue box). The engine is Free Software (L-GPL) so you do not have to worry about royalties nor legal trip-wires. Due to the GLEM design you are free to use any licence on your title you want (including commercially proprietary).

Check out the Documentation, Development Wiki and Example Projects (red boxed) for information on how to use the game engine. The pre-build examples (.delga) you can run straight away without the IGDE. Just download the .delga files and run it or install it (right click). Since .delga files are no binaries they are safe to run, 100% cross-platform and easy to distribute.

To develop games using the Drag[en]gine you do not need the game engine source code nor do you have to compile anything. Simply install the IGDE and create a project and you are ready to go.

Since this is the first public release chances are you will find bugs and missing features. Please report them. The Developer Forum will be open soon.

If you have questions, suggestions or other inquiries you can PM me here or using the Contact Page.

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