
Games & Budget

Started by June 02, 2002 08:02 PM
-1 comments, last by StarGamer_Nick 22 years, 3 months ago
Hi, It''s been a while since I''ve put a message in the GameDev board. (I put a few in various programming board) but I''ve been so busy with school and actually working in the industry that I never really got them to come back here. Anyway, to make a long story short, I''ve work in the industry (in the QA department for a very big and nice compagny) however, for various and I think understandable reason, I don''t think I''ll get the chance to create my own game with them so I''ve decided to very soon start a game compagny of my own. Finding staff is not the biggest problem but I need to devellop a bussiness plan if I want to get a loan from the bank and from the governement (Where I live, the governement give a loan to those who want to devellop their own enterprise). I''ve tried to find number that can confirm/deny what I''ve been estimating but except for the very sucessful game, I have failed to find those numbers. So I''d like to know what the people in the gaming industry think about those number. (I''ve converted them into US$ since I''m Canadian) The compagny staff will include 3 People: 1 Programmer (Me) 2 2D-3D Artist. We will hire someone to do the Music and Sound FX. We will also hire a consultant to help us in the first step of devellopement. We will also take care of the design of the game. Since these are our first games, we intend to make the first few one small but replayable (our objective is to create small game of High Quality at a very low cost). By High Quality I refer to Quality similar to those of Commercial Game, except for the depth of the game since we will work for 6 months on our first title and 4 months for each one following the first one. We don''t want to publish with a publisher that will be responsable of distrubiting the game and uploading it to the net since none of us intend to work on a website and that this point we''re not certain we''ll have enough money to hire a web designer for the time being. We''re hoping to find a company like Dexterity that could publish our game and get about 35% of sales profit. We also want our game to be distruted across North America (and if possible the entire world) The cost for our game should be about 40 000$ US (that''s without the material necessary to create the game) And now the part that''s really bugging me. I know that how good a games sales depends on the concept a lot. But except for very high number, I can''t seem to find number for game who are distributed across North America or WorldWide and have get low sell. I also know that I will have to downsize this number since our game is a small game and not a full size one. From what I''ve calculated, I expect (and hope) that we should be able to sell a minimum of 7000-10 000 copies over the period of a year. What I''d like to have people opinion about is this: -Do you think that it is possible to make a small game with the staff I mention in a period of time going from 4 to 6 months ? -Is it correct to assume that our game could sell a minimum of 7000 to 10 000 copies (for the first year) ? There''s also one think I''d like to know. If anyone out there has done business with Dexterity, I''d like to know if there''s a way to get them to approve a concept. I went to their website and they mention that they won''t study game idea(basically they won''t tell you if your game idea is good or not). I can understand that they are very busy with studying actual game and that to make a succesful businness you must manage your time efficiently. That''s also why I''m stuck in my mind with the following problem. If we work on our game for 4 or 5 months, manage to get an almost finish product, send it to them. And receive a negative feedback because the game is not aimed at their target audience, should we try going to a different publisher ? I mean there isn''t many good publisher for small game around. (The only other one whom I''m ready to give it a shot is Tri-Star). Let me know what you think. Nick

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