
Tip for games website owners

Started by June 02, 2002 10:51 AM
3 comments, last by cliffski 22 years, 3 months ago
Hey if you have a company website, and you get more than your fair share of spam email sent your way, then check out this URL: < a href=""> Its tips on real easy ways (using java-script) to avoid letting spambots snoop your email addresses from your website. Only takes 5 minutes to do, and could cut down on your spam if you have a number of "Email webmaster" links on your website. Just passing on the good idea...!
wow, thanks for the tip. those crazed japs and korean guys annoy me, too.

Thanks for that link. That''s simple but good info.

Japs? Like everyone, I get 99% of my spam email through dumb Yanks. Viagra, Debt, Morgage, Porn, you name it. Its from the US.

In my experience, most spam is sent by Americans. However, the spam always originates from Chinese/Korean/etc mail servers. Seems a lot of admins in these regions are too dumb to care about closing down open SMTP relays. I think thats what bernatk meant.
Ron FrazierKronos Softwarewww.kronos-software.comMiko & Molly - Taking Puzzle Games to A Whole New Dimension
Jeeez. And I thought its just me that gets 7-12 virus emails everyday.

Btw! I am changing my email soon, so check back my site if you want to contact me and get no answer...

And thx @ cliffski for the hint!


Niels Bauer Software Design

Creators of Smugglers 2, TV Manager and Coffee-break: Star Trader


[edited by - Jester101 on June 10, 2002 3:09:09 PM]

My companies website:

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