
any good publishers?.

Started by May 17, 2002 02:12 AM
11 comments, last by mrtech 22 years, 3 months ago
Does anyone know any good australian game publishers?.
What price point and what formats are you talking about?

Dan Marchant
Obscure Productions
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
I mean for games made with c++ and any prize pay would do!.
Heh the actual question is a bit vague tho isn''t it ?.

What sort of software for starters ?.

If you mean budget then most of them are painfully useless anyway and you possibly (99% sure here) won''t get much out of it - really !.

If you mean full price then you would need something thats really cool possibly even nearly finished AAA product before you would even get a look in the publisers door for bigger cash.

Or you can publish your own stuff, but thats not a path for the faint hearted and requires some moderate amounts of hard cash and shear will power !.

Adrian Cummings (Proprietor)
Mutation Software
Adrian Cummings (Proprietor)Mutation
I guess the question anyone would ask is have you got a demo or a near finished product? No publisher will even look at you unless you have one of these (that is without any industry experience or team behind you). Anyway, having said all of this, here are a few publishers in Australia.

* HES (Home Entertainment Suppliers)
* Acclaim Australia - Melbourne
* Infogrames Melbourne House

You should also try contacting developers as they might be able to give you a hand. If you want to e-mail me directly with some more information I might be able to help you out (I work in the games industry).

Australian Game Developers Assocation -

Good luck!

Thanks but where can i get in contact with these publishers?.

No offense intended but, if you can''t figure out how to contact publishers knowing their names, maybe you don''t wan''t to contact them at all.
I meant specific publishing sites o e-mail addresses! - i can''t find any! - please help.
Ok, so you dont know names of publishers?

HINT - this is public knowledge. My idea to find them is this:

(a) buy some EXPENSIVE equipement named paper and pencil.
(b) go on a HUGE business trip to your local computer store.
(c) put up a research project looking at all the games and wrtie out the NAME (and often website) of the publishers of these games.
(d) follow up with yet another research project looking up the company websites you are missing in a search engine like YAHOO or GOOGLE.
(e) follow up with YET ANOTHER research project going to all the websites you have and looking for the contact information for new proposals. MAybe sending an Email to them to request the correct email address.

(abob steps could be considered to be "due diligence", btw.)

Pretty complex, or? Well, I suggest you start - you might need some learning for all these complex steps, but making games is way more complex.

RegardsThomas TomiczekTHONA Consulting Ltd.(Microsoft MVP C#/.NET)

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