
These eyes...

Started by March 06, 2000 08:47 PM
0 comments, last by Queasy 24 years, 6 months ago
Heh. Alright, here''s my question to y''all. I''ve currently running my computer at 1920x1440x32 (you bet!) but to do so I needed to bump down my monitor''s refresh rate to 60hz (apparantly, my monitor isn''t even supposed to support such a high res). Anyhow, my buddies tell me I''m nuts cuz it''s equivalent to starring (or staring?) at a light bulb. Basically my eyes''ll be toast! Is this true? 60Hz will kill my eyes? Oooh, man, but everything''s sooo sweet right now! I can see so much more code on one screen! ~Queasy.
Jonathan Makqueasy gamesgate 88[]email[/email]
The light from your monitor is still much lower than the wattage from a light bulb, you''re not going to burn out your eyes on the quantity of light. Refresh rates have different effects on different people... I get headaches at anything lower than 72 Hz, but some people do just fine on 60 Hz

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