
Quick question...I think.

Started by March 06, 2000 05:58 PM
4 comments, last by Jonny Go 24 years, 6 months ago
How would somebody like me who knows a bit about C++ go about getting a program to display a bitmap on the screen? I need a change from reading "Practical C++" and if I was able to do be happy. If it requires pages upon pages of code, dont bother, but if its relatively easy, hook me up!
Its all fun and games till someone gets pregnant.
If you''d like to use OpenGL, try NeHe''s tutorials on the GDn home page. I found them to be nice and straightforward.


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Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
DirectDraw is probably what you''ll need to use to go about this. OpenGL was designed for 3D, and therfore it is pretty unintuitive to use it for 2D work.

A good book to pick up would be Tricks of the Windows Game Programming gurus, which covers all of DirectX and gives you the fundamental principles needed to create a game.

Guys- he just wants to put an image in an application! No jazzy stuff... I have the exact same question on two other boards- can anyone answer our questions? No effects, just put an image on the screen...

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Well, which API do you want to use for this? Actually, there are only three steps to figure this out. Choose and API. Download the SDK. Lookup ''Bitmap'' in the online DOCS. It will give you all the code you need. And no. It won''t take pages of code to do this.

If you want to write your own routine then just say and we can direct you to the proper place for information.. ie.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

that depends on how you want to do it.. you can go with OpenGL or DirectX, or the Windows GDI, or DJGPP with Allegro (which is painfully simple).. DJGPP is DOS (i think you can program for windows with it somehow, but i couldn't say how).. with DOS, of course, you could always just access the video hardware directly. i'm rather new to game programming, so all i've used is Allegro, DirectX, and GDI (can't remember having displayed a bitmap with GDI, though)
so you have many options, and many tutorials and articles on the web describing each of them..
if you want to do the down-and-dirty, hardware level stuff, try Denthor's VGA tutorials.. assuming you know some assembly..
(sorry i can't be more helpful)

Edited by - fuzzyai on 3/6/00 11:19:52 PM

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