
Heard of the game "Rocky's Boots"?

Started by March 03, 2000 03:56 PM
-1 comments, last by Stoffel 24 years, 6 months ago
I remember when I was a wee baern, there was this game called Rocky''s Boots (I think that''s the title). You had to move this fox around and build circuits to kick the correct sequence of shapes. I realized about 10 years later that it was a boolean logic exercise. There was a room off the main room with an alligator in it that would eat you, but you could use the punching glove machine to hit it, and there was an alligator detector. I remember I hooked up jets to the detector and built an automatic gator-punching machine. Anyway, just wondering if anybody''s ever heard of it. I thought it was a great game, and I''m thinking if there''s a modern version of it, my nephew might get a kick out of it.

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