
Teen programmer...just some rambling....

Started by February 27, 2000 12:26 AM
30 comments, last by yeldarB 24 years, 6 months ago

I learned c++ by day 3, then moved on to dos programming. I didn''t like the look of dos and wrote a bunch of classes and functions to talk to hardware in windows. By day 12 I finished it and sold it to microsoft for 10 bucks not bad for a few days work back then. They called it directX...bah i liked my name better--REALLY NEAT THING. I am now 6 and work for nasa where they use me as a calculator. Funny thing they found out about me when i was 3 was that i can do calculus in my head faster than a computer. Thats my day job at night I program my computer to see the future. Kinda neat.
Ok, this thread probably doesn''t need my input, but if you are extremely desperate for the knowlage of C++, go to They have an online version of (shudder) teach yourself c++ in 21 days. Of course, if I was that desperate, I''d slit my wrists, but....

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