
Hobby 3D Modeling and Art

Started by February 22, 2002 09:15 AM
2 comments, last by MatrixLost 22 years, 6 months ago
I figured some of you might know how to help. Essentially, I''m a bit burnt out with scripting, programming, and network engineering and wanted to pick up something a little more creative. While I''m not a good 2D artist in any sense, I did show a little talent in my youth, but I''ve never drawn since, nor do I really want to at this point. However, I have been looking through the Internet and I''m finding 3D modelling a bit interesting. With 2D drawing, you always seem to be trying to trick the viewer into seeing perspective and depth. With 3D, you can actually create that depth and dimension, which seems to work better for me in conceptualization. In any event, I wanted to know how some of you started, what tools you opted to use. I think the biggest barrier for me will most likely be creating of textures, though it might also be the most fun. Have some of you found particularly good places to develop modeling and texturing skills on the web? Please, bear in mind I''m not interested in becoming a professional game artist. I make plenty of money as it is. I just want something with a little creativity and self-fullment reward. And also maybe to make the right side of my brain work a little more. =) Thanks in advance for your insights, ML.
i Am a programmer, but find a good (and cheap) 3d artist is really hard, to i am forced to convert in one of this.

How to start?.. i think the 3dsmax 4 cd-2, tutorial, how to draw a spaceship is a good and fast tutorial for lowpoly. You can find almost all with this (only modelling).


"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
-----------------------------------------------"Cuando se es peon, la unica salida es la revolución"
Mesh modeling is a basic technique common to most modeling programs so it is a good place to start. Here is a link to a good tutorial. It is written for 3ds max, but you can use any program.

Since you''re just getting started I recommend trying one of the many free programs available on the web. I''ve got links to some free programs here.

I do this as a hobby myself and for me creating good textures is definitely the most difficult thing to do.

3d is a great hobby. Used to be one for me, and now I''m majoring in it. I started out many years ago when Rhino3d was in beta. I''ve since bought the program. Rhino3d is an EXCELLENT program if you just want a very easy to use modeler that fairly quick to learn. If your looking for free, try blender. I''ve yet to try it though.

I''ve found programs that also do animation are fairly difficult to learn without already having modeling experience. It seems to me that they spend so much effort on rendering and animation that the modeling interface is awful. Rhino3d models - thats it! The interface is great and the environment is easily navigatable. Rendering isn''t that great. But who cares!

Any how, good luck and have fun!
- T. Wade Murphy

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