
Resizing a 3d studio max car

Started by February 16, 2002 06:05 PM
3 comments, last by GameDev135 22 years, 7 months ago
I was given the ".max" file for a car to use for a game by a friend. Unfortunately, the car is much to big (in number of pixels). Is there a way to simply change the entire file to be say, 1% of what it is to start in 3d studio max. (I.E. so a 200 *100 *100 pixels becomes 2*1*1 pixels) I appreciate your help. Dan
Feel free to email me at if you have any questions
Just ask your friend to scale the model to 1% of its size in 3ds max. Or when you read the model into your game divide by 100.

How do you scale a model to 1% ?

(I would ask my friend but he is away this week and I am anxious to work on this project! )

Feel free to email me at if you have any questions
Did you try using the "scale" tool
When you read in the vertex data multiply everything by 0.01. That''s the only way to do it without a copy of 3ds max.


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