
Is this legall?

Started by February 09, 2002 03:39 PM
12 comments, last by Rad76 22 years, 7 months ago
Say I was to make a game, not a big game, but good enough to sell over the net, for example, I could sign up at So my question is, would it be alright to use sounds in my game from sites such as ? Or would I have to pay royalties to the creators of the sounds? Because the sounds there are free, I''m not sure if I can use them for commercial purposes. Thanks
you should read the disclaimers at those site.

the findsounds site has a copyright disclaimer, read it.

you need to contact the people that own the sounds, or find documents saying something along the lines of "no strings attatched".
Usually ''free sounds'' are "Free to use but not in a commercial product" or something along those lines.

Not always the case but it often is so I would say you would probably have to pay royalties.
Probably why there are alot of freeware games.
no those sounds are NOT free for use at all. merely displays hits to OUTSIDE web sites that are storing sounds. much like does with images. some of those sounds ARE from commercial games which are illegal to use in your game. so please, ask the author of the sound where he got it and if he made it and gives you rpermission to use it. then use it, otherwise find a sample site that hosts royalty free sounds. if you are not sure whether the sound is okay to use, then its a good sign that you cant use it. i kow if i posted sounds, i would expect checks on any software that used them in a commercial app.
Ok, thanks for the responses guys. I get it now, I''m better off with making my own sounds, lol!

Edited by - DavidRM on February 11, 2002 3:54:47 PM
~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
LaMothe's site is at, but there has been a lot of discussion about whether he is really publishing, or just an agent to find a publisher. Something to read up on, I guess.

Take care,

Edited by - DavidRM on February 11, 2002 3:55:16 PM
Why did DavidRM delete my message?

~CGameProgrammer( );

~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
If we knew what you posted then maybe we could tell you.
quote: Original post by CGameProgrammer
Why did DavidRM delete my message?

If I remember the contents of this thread correctly, didn''t you say something unpleasant about a certain publisher whose name I''ll omit? If you look back in the archives for threads on that publisher, you should be able to figure out why it was deleted.

Ron FrazierKronos Softwarewww.kronos-software.comMiko & Molly - Taking Puzzle Games to A Whole New Dimension

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