
Introduction, greetings!

Started by March 13, 2022 01:41 AM
3 comments, last by Thaumaturge 2 years, 6 months ago

Greetings, game making peeps. I'm here to rock the world with my sheer drifts >:D

When I was 12 years old, I got a copy of RPG Maker 2003. And then we lost the software sigh. And then when I'm 13years old, in 2004, I would play around with paint in our familys pentium 4 PC, and print it out for me and my younger brothers to play as board game.
When I got to play hundreds of PC, playstation, a dozens of GBA games later, I would have an unquenchable thirst to make my game.
I would buy the Ragnarok Online Einbroch Data Book and would read it cover to cover every night, envisioning my would be game.

From 2009 until 2020 though, I would face many life's hurdles which prevented from game making, but the passion never left me.
And now, I'm finally at opportune time to reembrace my game design passion.

I dabbled with RPG Maker 2003, XP, VX and VXAce.

But I'm looking to use other alternative engines.

I've got my hands of Godot but my old netbook can't run it. I wonder if Unity can.

Are there any other alternatives?

I'm looking forward to make a game with FF Tactics mechanic and JRPG explorability.


Hello?? ?

Godot is a very lightweight engine, it even runs in a browser AFAIK. I guess if your computer doesn't support OpenGL ES 2.0 you wouldn't be able to run it. But that was released in 2007…

If it's a performance issue, Unity will be much worse I imagine.


Congratulations! claps

Does Godot have blueprints?

Hmm… I don't know whether it'll work on an old netbook, but you could perhaps try Panda3D. At the least it may be worthwhile to download it and see how some of the the sample-programs run.

Otherwise… I might have suggested RPG Maker as just the thing--but you mention having already tried that.

Perhaps you might look through Wikipedia's list of game engines, and see whether anything there looks likely?


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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