
What is the best coding language

Started by March 30, 2021 12:04 PM
11 comments, last by Programmer71 3 years, 5 months ago

I'am in a two way road


i'am in a two way road what is the best coding language for a beginer

and how to start

Python or C# are common starter languages. Python for being easy to get into, and C# for the path to the Unity game engine. If you want to do 3D games, Unity is likely a better target to aim for. Python isn't strong at 3D, but 2D games work fine.

Note that while the various languages look very different, but in general the underlying concepts are very similar, so once you understand one language, it's relatively easy to switch to a different language, taking a lot of experience with you.


In my opinion, it's Python:

It's supported on Windows, Linux, MacOS and Android, and it's very easy to get started.
You can use the Editor or IDE of your choice and there's a big community surrounding it.
For instance, you can start programming Python right here in your browser:

Like @alberth said, it's easy to switch language and be able to reuse the experience.
But in your case, I'm convinced it's best to just start programming whatever - get some experience. Any experience.

@roatikos I decided to learn C # for game development and Unity Benefits:

- The C # programming language claims to be a genuine object orientation (every linguistic entity claims to be be an object);

- Component-oriented programming approach, conducive to less machine-architectural dependency resulting program code, flexibility, portability and lightness reuse (fragments) of programs;

- You can easily go to Back-end development (

- Focus on code safety (in comparison with C and C ++);

- Unified typing system;

- Extended support for event-driven programming.

It’a called a fork in the road . ? Python would be a good starter language.

Take a look at that:

Uses Lua for language. Includes all tools at minimum complexity. Gets you started without frustration, i guess.


There is no single best thing for all circumstances.

Do not just choose a random language someone on the internet recommends just cause they think it is popular!

  1. Make a list of hard requirements and soft requirements for your case.
  2. Research your options.
  3. Rule out any which do not meet your hard requirements.
  4. Choose one which best fulfills your soft requirements.
  5. If at any step you need help list your requirements and previous research and ask.

wintertime said:

There is no single best thing for all circumstances.

Do not just choose a random language someone on the internet recommends just cause they think it is popular!

  1. Make a list of hard requirements and soft requirements for your case.
  2. Research your options.
  3. Rule out any which do not meet your hard requirements.
  4. Choose one which best fulfills your soft requirements.
  5. If at any step you need help list your requirements and previous research and ask.

That's really strange. They should obviously do research if possible, but they already have a very important requirement that they stated:

roatikos said:

what is the best coding language for a beginer

So the criterium is set, and the suggested languages aren't random at all - they're what we at GD think are the languages best suited for beginners. (Neither is it something anyone here recommends just because it's popular, despite that large communities tends to make for better online resources)

When they get experience with programming, and multiple languages, they'll know what stuff matters and to which languages.
This enables them to perform that kind of research you're describing. (I.e. they have no idea what the hard and soft requirements should be for a beginner, since they're just at square one)

So I actually think you're being a bit unfair; You don't meet up at "Programming 101" at your local school and the teacher asks you to do a bunch of research. Instead you get to work with the choice of the teacher, learn by lectures, examples, lab assignments etc.

I use AGK - that's because I used tomuse Dark Basic. I also use Visual Studio. In the past I've used C and Assembler, but I find AGK fun!


EVERYONE WRONG i'm learning JAVASCRIPT and it is very ez



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