
How much time would it take to earn $500 monthly by freelancing if I start learn Unity, Blender and C#

Started by March 04, 2021 04:12 PM
4 comments, last by Shaarigan 3 years, 6 months ago

Hello, 1st Question here ?

I'm very passionate about video games. I started to play games when I was 3.5 yrs old. Now I'm 20 yrs old. My bachelor's in Computer Science is currently in progress. I have a beefy gaming setup and good knowledge of game devepment. I think it's time to start learning game development cause that's what i wanna do to make a living. Gonna start by freelancing. So if I start to learn Unity 3d + C# and a little of Blender (Not much interested in 3D Modeling), how much time will it take to make at least 500usd per month? If you need to know anything else please feel free to ask. Thanks in advance.


After you have finished your degree, you need to build a portfolio and get networking. Presumably you have 2 more years to go in your degree program. You should focus on the degree (taking side work could reduce your GPA) as first priority. Your second priority needs to be to build a solid portfolio. How long will that take? Nobody can tell.

The pandemic will probably be over by the time you finish your degree, and then you can start networking in person, assuming conferences and trade shows and business mixers and gamedev gatherings go in-person again. Nobody can tell you how long it will take to get small projects. Most contractors/freelancers start out with a job, then leverage the contacts into contracting gigs.

-- Tom Sloper --

I think there is money to be made selling assets in the unity store.

Like the gold rush, there is more money selling shovels (tools to make games) than looking for gold (making games).

If you make 5 sales of a $100 asset per month in the unity store, you are at your goal.

The problem about Unity is that it is a mass productivity tool and, like the gold rush, everybody who has just learned a bit of C# is hopping onto the train to game development in Unity. It is very unlikely that you will get freelancing hires for doing work in Unity especially if you are such unexperienced with it.

Everybody is learning at least a bit of C# in their degrees these days and Unity is widely used and also teached at those facilities. So for every IT graduation per year, you can bet there are at least 50% of those who at least have the same experience and skillset as you have.

That said, you should perhaps better go and get a job at a company or as most of our local students do, get together with other students of different areas of game development and make a game together which may end in a startup selling your stuff on steam or whatever platform. In my region, it is also very common for graduates to do the bachelor/master thesis in a game you develop

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