
[FREEBIE] Cyberpunk Volume 1 - Future Ramen

Started by March 30, 2020 05:53 AM
9 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 5 months ago

Hope you are all well and safe during these tough times. FUTURE RAMEN just hit it’s one year mark of existence and to celebrate, we are releasing our NEW album: CYBERPUNK Volume 1 for FREE! ⁣

We created this album for Game Developers to have an arsenal of energetic, dark, and gritty underscores to take their game to the next level. Included in this album are 5 fully produced tracks in a Cyberpunk genre. Each track contains multiple seamless loops and stingers built for each, over 15 minutes of audio! We hope you enjoy this! Stay tuned to our social media pages for new releases!⁣

Click the link below to download/listen for free and follow us on our pages!⁣


“Please support the artist to unlock your download”

The page locked up on me after forwarding me from facebook for no good reason, which I didn't want to go to facebook in the first place. Why would you facebook and then forward FFS?

Is this spam?

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


@fleabay So sorry for that! No not spam at all, you actually don't have to follow or like us to download, we appreciate it, but it's not mandatory. As for it locking up, the hosting service we used we arent happy with. I've just changed the link to go directly to our google drive where you can download the files absolutely without issue

here it is once more:

The tracks are great. The license is very good also. ( There is no NC clause except for an AAA stipulation )


🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

I got a zip file, opened that, found a folder. Inside that, another zip file. Inside that, another folder. Inside that, another zip file that contained 5 folders…? Inside the first folder: another folder! More folders inside the 5 folders? You should work on better UX design.

-- Tom Sloper --

Tom Sloper said:

I got a zip file, opened that, found a folder. Inside that, another zip file. Inside that, another folder. Inside that, another zip file that contained 5 folders…? Inside the first folder: another folder! More folders inside the 5 folders? You should work on better UX design.

I downloaded a zip file (approx 292 meg) and there were no other zips inside. Maybe Google Drive packaged them incorrectly. I think it packages files on request. Not sure.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


@undefined Hey Tom I appreciate this feedback! not sure why that may be happening for you, I just did a test on my end and only going through one zip file to access everything. I will look more into this to see if its something on our end! It's showing all individual folders as zip files for you?

No, it's showing all files as folders. I finally unpacked everything into one folder. It was like playing with a Russian doll!

-- Tom Sloper --

@Tom Sloper Oh man Im sorry to hear that, sounds frustrating to unzip all of that! Not sure why it may be happening like that for you but if anyone else has this happen let me know and I can wetransfer the files over! Like @fleabay mentioned it could be how Google packaged it for you for some reason.

I liked Petrified and Dark Core (the masters).

-- Tom Sloper --

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