
Idea for a game where to start?

Started by March 11, 2020 09:57 PM
11 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 6 months ago

Ok so I have an idea for a game not sure where to start I don't have an interest in actually making games but would love to build ideas and be sent email updates by a developer where I can see how it's shaping up see what I like ect.

My main hope is getting a game out on ps4 and Xbox one I am totally against micro transactions and don't want the game I have in mind to appear on mobile at least not to start with but have nothing against a pc port but for once it would be nice to see consoles coming first specially since the idea I have suits consoles really well

Without revealing too much my idea is a wrestling game but with aa fully fleshed out story about fictional company and as a wrestling fan I want to consult on a wrestling game that will please the wrestling fans

Th e only other thing is I would need advice on contract terms ect I dont want to enter in any sort of contract that might leave me worse off whist the game is in development and if I gets lost in a sea of titles so would I be better leaving it uncommon stable financiay?

M.r.browne said:
I have an idea for a game not sure where to start I don't have an interest in actually making games

Sorry. That is a non-starter.

M.r.browne said:
would love to build ideas and be sent email updates by a developer where I can see how it's shaping up see what I like ect.

That is not going to happen. Read

M.r.browne said:
I would need advice on contract terms ect I dont want to enter in any sort of contract that might leave me worse off

Are you saying you are rich? And you are willing to spend a fortune on getting your game developed? That raises your odds a little. But it will still be difficult to find someone to develop a game for an outsider (someone with no industry experience).

-- Tom Sloper --


My main area of interest would be in writing scripts for games ect I have ideas but no one I know codes or anything and my interest in coding is very low.

the only reason I suggested doing things by email was a cost cutting idea really

obviously wanting to make money is part of wanting the game to be out there but I'd never set out waiting to make a living out of it because I know realiscly not every game how ever good actually shifts many units

if it's not viable to work in the industry with no experience fair play most industr us work this way(I was lucky enough to get a foot on the door in the railways just need a suitable vacancy n ow)

I've always just thought that there's a lack of decent orgnial ideas for wrestling games and honestly I wouldn't know who thinks of the idea for a game if not generally a developer rather than a script writer?

M.r.browne said:
if it's not viable to work in the industry with no experience fair play most industr us work this way

You were not proposing “working in the industry.” You were proposing “contract a developer to make my game.” If you want to work in the industry, that might be possible, if your background is compatible and you live near game companies. What is it you want to do besides propose ideas for wrestling games?

-- Tom Sloper --

Plus I should really rephrase I have no interest in codind or modeling ect if anything my areas of interest would be writing scripts for story modes,writing character bios and wouldn't say no to helping out with the sound side either but the technical side of it is something I did once try and it wasn't for me.

Same as working on the railways I've been praised for my passenger and gateline work but as for being a driver I don't think its for me(analogy over)

I really don't mean to come across as clueless but you never really hear about how ideas are formed

Tom Sloper said:

M.r.browne said:
if it's not viable to work in the industry with no experience fair play most industr us work this way

You were not proposing “working in the industry.” You were proposing “contract a developer to make my game.” If you want to work in the industry, that might be possible, if your background is compatible and you live near game companies. What is it you want to do besides propose ideas for wrestling games?

honestly I'd love to write scripts or perhaps record some music perhaps is as a session artist?

but yes sorry for wrong wording I was thinking more o f work in on the game(and obviously perhaps working in gaming in general first)


M.r.browne said:
I was thinking more o f work in on the game(and obviously perhaps working in gaming in general first)

You mentioned a previous career. That raises the question of how old you are. If you are past your twenties, it would be unusual to go back to college. If you want to switch careers into games from a present career, I wrote FAQ 41 on that topic:

Moving this discussion to the Careers forum, since this is really about a career in games.

-- Tom Sloper --

Tom Sloper said:

M.r.browne said:
I was thinking more o f work in on the game(and obviously perhaps working in gaming in general first)

You mentioned a previous career. That raises the question of how old you are. If you are past your twenties, it would be unusual to go back to college. If you want to switch careers into games from a present career, I wrote FAQ 41 on that topic:

Moving this discussion to the Careers forum, since this is really about a career in games.

yeah apart from something like the open university any further education would be unsuitable at this point in life but I guess I could fire up one of my old favourite music programs and start work on a demo tape(well demo mp3 files anyway) in my spare time and see where it goes from there but I guess it's gonna co me down to how sustainable session jobs can be but I won't know if I don't peruse it

cheers your help is appreciated and has made me under stand the industry a bit more so perhap s I may spend some time seeing how music tends to play a role in modern games and how my style of playing can work in the market place and hope for the best (gotta say though a of my music would be not suited to y2k era gaming haha)

On the one hand, I think this guy might be trolling, in which case… well done! F***ing hilarious.

But on the other hand, I think he/she might also just be serious. In which case… LOL… I mean, what the hell do you say to someone like this? Seems like they pop up every so often, each time more disconnected from reality than the last one.

Still… I think he's trolling.

0r0d said:

On the one hand, I think this guy might be trolling, in which case… well done! F***ing hilarious.

But on the other hand, I think he/she might also just be serious. In which case… LOL… I mean, what the hell do you say to someone like this? Seems like they pop up every so often, each time more disconnected from reality than the last one.

Still… I think he's trolling.

Or not many people know about the industry and how it works for example if it was a play you write the screen play and offer it producers so would it be wrong to assume writing a script for a game may be similar? Write a script for the stor y mode flesh out the characters ect and see if anyone is interested in working with you?

and also I'm always interested to perhaps do some session musician work and t hat does have cross over to film t.v. And gaming industries it seems the days of having in house music writers like d an forden are facing

I'm not trolling I'm out of work in my current industry and am simply exploring options for other work that I could apply some interchange skills in which i what got me into the rail industry in the first place but like I say jobs are hard to come by

and I have already said I was simply wondering and I don't know how I all works and do have doubt weather it would be viable but it doesn't hurt to ask

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