
Preparing for investors or publishers?

Started by November 28, 2019 01:37 AM
9 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 9 months ago

So what happened, was a few weeks ago Posted on our site that we were ending the project. We are a RTS mod that strives to add 3 new factions to the game, we finished 1. We were canceling the rest of the project because we scoped too big and we simply can't be doing professional level work for free for much longer.

I posted this on linkedin, and someone contacts me, asking theoretically, what I would do if he could get us an investor or publisher. He asks for a power point deck and a video.

We made the power point deck and sent if off, and now the video is 97% done.

I have no idea how long it could take to get this stuff going. but we also drafted up a budget, as to how much everything would cost, to develop the product as a stand alone.

Is there anything I should be aware of in going into situations like this?

It's all still very preliminary, and I want to make sure I'm doing everything I can to make this work out.

Is there anything I should be aware of?

I'm doing research on start ups and the like, but how do i deal with payroll?

What about for insurance? how to i go about making sure people are covered, in the state they are in?

Just looking for some advice.

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Hi GeneralJist, you should check out the threads in the Business and Law forum. Somebody else asked a question about publishing deals this week.

-- Tom Sloper --


Sorry! Thought the other post was in Business. It's also here in Production/Management (they both belong in Business/Law, and will be moved there when the kinks are worked out of the new site). You two may both be talking to the same person, for all I know.

-- Tom Sloper --

GeneralJist wrote:

1. Is there anything I should be aware of in going into situations like this?

2. I'm doing research on start ups and the like, but how do i deal with payroll?

3. What about for insurance? how to i go about making sure people are covered, in the state they are in?

  1. Yes, lots. Too much for a simple reply. Start with reading and do the things suggested there. Have a lawyer ready to read the contract. Lawyers can spot gotchas, especially if they have experience with games. See the "Game Attorneys" and "Guide to Legal Needs" threads in the Business/Law forum.
  2. Can you expand on the question? Not clear what you're asking. Of course your people need to be paid according to the law.
  3. If you have insurance (not just health insurance) maybe your insurance company can help you with business insurance. A game attorney can help you understand what kind of coverage you need.

-- Tom Sloper --

If you're talking about getting investors or publishers for your mod: it most likely wont happen unless you have rights to the IP by EA. As nobody is going to touch this project and risk a lawsuit. The second EA learns about money being involved it will get shut down very fast...

Programmer and 3D Artist

Tom Sloper said:

Sorry! Thought the other post was in Business. It's also here in Production/Management (they both belong in Business/Law, and will be moved there when the kinks are worked out of the new site). You two may both be talking to the same person, for all I know.

A quick note that this thread now resides in the Business and Law forum with the other funding and business posts.

And Rutin is absolutely right about using anyone else's IP (especially a big publisher like EA).

-- Tom Sloper --


Why do you even listen to a random person on the Internet who says they could get you a publisher?

There is a small chance that someone just donates money because they like your mod, but no one in their right mind will invest money into a mod with the intention to make a profit. Unless they are stupid. Stupid people with money exist, usually not for long though.

Beware, it might be a scam, though I assume that random person just had no idea what they were talking about.

Rutin said:

If you're talking about getting investors or publishers for your mod: it most likely wont happen unless you have rights to the IP by EA. As nobody is going to touch this project and risk a lawsuit. The second EA learns about money being involved it will get shut down very fast...

That is indeed my project, but we're talking about doing a stand alone product. Breaking it off from anything to do with EA or Command & Conquer. Because of Tom's insistence, we have contracts. mainly to manage the original IP .

Beosar said:

Why do you even listen to a random person on the Internet who says they could get you a publisher?

There is a small chance that someone just donates money because they like your mod, but no one in their right mind will invest money into a mod with the intention to make a profit. Unless they are stupid. Stupid people with money exist, usually not for long though.

Beware, it might be a scam, though I assume that random person just had no idea what they were talking about.

It's on linkedin and a few people I know know this person. It'snot as if it;s a random person on the internet. One could argue that everyone on this site is a random person on the internet.


Is it better to go with a lawyer you know, but who is more expensive, or just start fresh with a new lawyer?

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GeneralJist said: "Is it better to go with a lawyer you know, but who is more expensive, or just start fresh with a new lawyer?"

it's better to go with a lawyer whose expertise aligns with your needs. That would be the one with the most experience with game development/publishing deals.

-- Tom Sloper --

GeneralJist said: "Is it better to go with a lawyer you know, but who is more expensive, or just start fresh with a new lawyer?"

it's better to go with a lawyer whose expertise aligns with your needs. That would be the one with the most experience with game development/publishing deals.

-- Tom Sloper --

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