
Where to find artists?

Started by October 28, 2019 06:17 PM
6 comments, last by Beosar 4 years, 8 months ago

I used to find artists to collaborate on projects on Divantart. I split the profits or results with them and everyone is happy. Now it seems like Divantart has become very anti indie game development. So how or where do you find artists?     



I'd like to bump this thread because I'm looking for a UI designer. Not sure where to look except for freelance sites that are ripping off the designers (which in the end means I pay more) or me ($200/mo just to hire someone)...

For (3D) artists, I had some luck on blenderartists,org in the past. The people there usually know more than just blender, so maybe you can try to look there.


Thanks for the suggestion. I don't know anyone who does just UI design. I generally do my own.



If you're still planning on rev share, you can advertise here in the Hobby Projects Classified community forum.

Is currently working on a rpg/roguelike
Dungeons Under Gannar

i would check your local college fine arts department

the typical fine arts student NEEDS the money

and has few opportunities

That's a good idea in theory. In practice they can't just work for me, they need to register, do accounting, etc.

Alternatively, I need to hire them, which would cost me €25/hr with all the bureaucracy etc. Worst case they get sick and I have to pay them for up to 6 weeks without getting anything in return because they can't work. No problem with enough money but I currently don't have enough.

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