
Best way to Copyright my Game

Started by September 29, 2019 07:16 PM
2 comments, last by Codemaster Jamal 4 years, 11 months ago

So, I recently created a compiled version of my game. It's just a test world I created. I've been wanting to release this "demo" version of my game for the longest of time however, I've been reading a lot of things about hacking Unity Games and I'm afraid that the moment I release this demo. Someone's going to hack the files, and steal all my artwork and then use that artwork in another game. I wouldn't mind if they modify it but, if they choose to resell it, I'm going to be in some deep shit. I figure if I copyright my game, (even though it's just a demo, a roughdraft, and test version of my game) perhaps this will protect my game from it's assets being sold across different platforms. If they wish to modify the game for learning purposes, that's fine however, I just don't want to encourage any form of cheating because, I plan on turning this game into an MMO someday.

Basically, what I'm asking, "What is the best way to copyright my game?"

As a note, I've already thought about adding a .txt document inside that explains the copyright and terms and conditions for downloading my game. However, is this enough?

(Recent video of my test world)


10 hours ago, Codemaster Jamal said:

"What is the best way to copyright my game?"

It's automatically copyrighted when you create it. Read FAQ 39.

-- Tom Sloper --

11 hours ago, Tom Sloper said:

It's automatically copyrighted when you create it. Read FAQ 39.

Thank you, I am reading this RIGHT NOW. And I'm going to be getting in contact with a lawyer sometime this week.


21 hours ago, Franken-Stone said:

Wow your game looks great man, nice work ??

I’ve read somewhere a few years ago that your work is classed as intellectual property or IP and I assumed that the person who made it has some legal ownership of that work but I might be wrong about that, maybe google Intellectual property

Thanks alot. This is the world I imagined since I was a small child. I'm going to build on it and make it better. I've also heard the exact same thing from Thomas Brush about IP.

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