
Need a Gantt Chart

Started by September 17, 2019 05:04 PM
2 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 11 months ago

Hi everyone,

I've been out of game development for quite some time now and I'd like to get back in.

I am starting by refreshing my project management knowledge.

I would like to get a hold of some good Gantt Chart template, or a sample Gantt Chart from a real project - big or small, does not matter.

Does anyone know where I could find something like that, or os anyone willing to share one with me? 

Thank you for your help.

Not a single comment ?

If anyone else happens to have the same issue, take a look at this page for some options:

These are pretty good but none of them is for a real project, just some blank templates. I still have not found anything online so if anyone is willing to share something with me, feel free :)


Reasons why you didn't get any gantt charts from a real project:

1. Gantt chart users are a minority among project managers in game development. Development is so fluid, with so many moving parts, that more time can be spent revising it to keep up than using it for planning. Scrum being the favored methodology today, scrum boards and kanban boards are used instead, leaving no computer file resembling a gantt chart.

2. When a chart has been made for a project, it contains potentially confidential information about the team, the game, the companies. 

Combine those two things, and it is to be expected that nobody will come forward with a chart from a real project.

-- Tom Sloper --

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