
[BorderStrain] 2D ARPG Released for [Steam Early Access]

Started by May 24, 2019 09:11 PM
0 comments, last by BG109 5 years, 3 months ago


Hello Everyone!

My solo developed game BorderStrain has now been released as a Early Access title on Steam!


Being my first game released, there is really a haywire of emotions right now so I thought I would both let you know about the title as well as share my experience! ?


First off, anyone interested in the game, please feel free to check out the game page and trailer at BorderStrain Storepage

More overall info about the game can be found at BorderStrain Webpage





As I am posting this it is the very first day of release, and one thing strikes me more than expected, the utterly nervewrecking wait for the first reviews!


I have done some beta testing of course, but one thing I must say is that, with a limited resources project such as this you are happy for all the external testers you can get, and before I say anything more, I am incredibly thankful for each minute they have given to provide feedback! Thank you guys!


However, with limited number of beta testers comes the fact that they will have all kinds of different prefeered game types, and it might not be a perfect match to this game. As such the beta test reviews has been a bit mixed but I have tried to ctach up and implement as much feedback as possible



This means I am still not sure how the game will be received, of-course I will try to listen to every single bit of feedback and just keep grinding on to get the game to the best possible state for the people who have now actually spent some of their hard earned cash to play this game!

This to me was the largest realization and it really hit me like a big old pile of bricks the very moment I got my first sale (mind you, the sales are a bit limited so far, but I DID get sales, which was almost more than I expected, at least for the first day to be honest ☺️). Now people has payed for it, and they expect to enjoy it!

Of-course the main motivation from the start has been to deliver a game people can enjoy, but once people also start paying for it the immediate pressure of delivering, and of-course the fear of not delivering was way higher than I could have imagined!


Well, I do expect to roll out a fair amount of quick patching the upcoming days to try to improve any issues encountered but I have a real feeling that the next few days will be a real emotional roller-coaster ?




Well, thats some news of my release as well as some emotional ranting but hope you found it to be of interest! And, obviously, it will be a lot of work to do the time ahead ☺️


Best Regards!




Currently making BorderStrain, 2D Sandbox ARPG

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