
Integrating mini games to website

Started by March 24, 2019 04:52 AM
2 comments, last by Maxarah 5 years, 5 months ago


Hi there ! Complete beginner and new user here. I want to integrate mini simple games to my WordPress website. 

I don't know where to start...

In what language would i need to hire a developer ? What would be the steps? Thank you very much for your help, and my apologies if it isn't the appropriate section.

8 hours ago, Maxarah said:

In what language would i need to hire a developer ? 

Hire a developer who speaks your native language fluently.


8 hours ago, Maxarah said:

What would be the steps? 

1. Write down your requirements, in as much detail as you can.

2. Hire a lawyer and have a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Development Agreement prepared. Can be done concurrently with #1 above.

3. Research similar games to what you want to make. See if you can find out who developed them. Find game developers also through GameDev, Gamasutra, and Wikipedia. 

4. Array the devs in a decision grid

5. Start calling (phone is better than email, but use email if no phone number is available). Determine (a) availability and (b) interest in your project. Those who are unavailable or not interested can be removed from your decision grid. Send the NDA to those who are available and interested.

6. Once you've gotten signed NDAs from a dev, you can share your detailed requirements and begin negotiations. 

7. Sign an agreement with the developer whose bid outshines the others.

9 hours ago, Maxarah said:

my apologies if it isn't the appropriate section.

It's in the appropriate section now that it's been moved.

-- Tom Sloper --

5 hours ago, Tom Sloper said:

Hire a developer who speaks your native language fluently.


1. Write down your requirements, in as much detail as you can.

2. Hire a lawyer and have a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Development Agreement prepared. Can be done concurrently with #1 above.

3. Research similar games to what you want to make. See if you can find out who developed them. Find game developers also through GameDev, Gamasutra, and Wikipedia. 

4. Array the devs in a decision grid

5. Start calling (phone is better than email, but use email if no phone number is available). Determine (a) availability and (b) interest in your project. Those who are unavailable or not interested can be removed from your decision grid. Send the NDA to those who are available and interested.

6. Once you've gotten signed NDAs from a dev, you can share your detailed requirements and begin negotiations. 

7. Sign an agreement with the developer whose bid outshines the others.

It's in the appropriate section now that it's been moved.

Thank you, this is of really big help, now i think i know where to start.

I'm still a bit lost on why some games load instantly with the page and others don't so that's what i meant by language/program...

I'll do some research and i will try to contact devs, thank you for the information and for your time !

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