
Vehicles in FPS games

Started by March 03, 2019 04:33 AM
18 comments, last by Tom Sloper 5 years, 5 months ago
5 hours ago, shade4x said:

In other words, no, you have no actual experience making a game, you just like talking about it a lot. No shame in that. Just don't expect to be taking seriously when you use terms like "already implemented functionality". Or perhaps in your endless wisdom you could kindly explain how one would use unimplemented functionality? Would it be possible to use already unimplemented functionality?

To be honest, this seems a constructed argument just to wrangle.

Personally i think a 2 man team can make a FPS with vehicles well, but also asset store and generic engine vehicles alone won't help to make the game work and stand out. I fail to see a reason to argue about such obvious things. If someone tries to tone down expectations of someone potentially less experienced, it's usually done at good will.

20 hours ago, JoeJ said:

To be honest, this seems a constructed argument just to wrangle.

Personally i think a 2 man team can make a FPS with vehicles well, but also asset store and generic engine vehicles alone won't help to make the game work and stand out. I fail to see a reason to argue about such obvious things. If someone tries to tone down expectations of someone potentially less experienced, it's usually done at good will.

A little bit yea, but i think it's pretty valid to ask about game design experience on a game design forum, especially if they say something way out there. If someone is trying to tone down someone's exceptions in a field that they have no experience in, can you still call it good will? That's just an act of ego, but one that could cost someone time and/or money.

I always wondered if most of the asset flipped games on steam where just someone who was convinced the assets alone would make their game. Ever notice how ever single one seems like someone dragged everything in one scene? And Empyrion was made by 1 guy, the vehicle physic's in that game where pretty cool, especially how small vehicles could dock with capital ships, and the fact that you get to build them piece by piece.


24 minutes ago, shade4x said:

A little bit yea,

Great you admit ;) 

27 minutes ago, shade4x said:

If someone is trying to tone down someone's exceptions in a field that they have no experience in, can you still call it good will?

If overall experience is large enough then yes. I agree if someone asks on how to utilize a planned game feature, then saying 'do you really need this feature?' may not be that helpful. But also the broad question itself implies those plans are in a very early stage, and then questioning the plan itself makes still sense.

Asking for actual experience directly isn't that polite. I mean, this is a game developer forum. Some experience has to be assumed. There's a reputation system, beginners sections, personal intuition etc. for this purpose. Attacking opinions is always good, attacking the person not so much.

46 minutes ago, shade4x said:

especially how small vehicles could dock with capital ships, and the fact that you get to build them piece by piece.

To add something useful myself as well: In an FPS i would enjoy vehicles mainly for exploration. This only works if the is something to explore, so the world has to be large but still interesting. Likely one can make only few interesting spots and it would be good those spots are visible from a distance already (e.g. a high tower / large building). The driving could also act as a form of recovery from exhausting fighting. (Enter building, kill them all, loot and relax while driving to the next).

Personally i'm super tired of AAA games taking my be the hand and pushing me from one cutscene to the next, telling me constantly what to do. Games make me feel i have no free will, or they overwhelm me with a constant flood of enemies for constant (but boring) action. I would enjoy to enter the vehicle to escape from this for some time. So maybe vehicle combat could be even left out on purpose.

@shade4x Why so hostile? I have 16 years of experience as a hobbyist game developer (never been employed as a game developer). But an argument should ideally stand on it's own merit and not upon who said it.

Already implemented functionality = I meant built-in into an engine, ready to use (so already implemented by someone else than you). I see so many failed or unpolished fps:es that I dont think my comment was overly unnecessary (especially if they really are only two people in the entire team).

I get a feeling it's sort of a multiplayer arena game, is that true? Asking for vehicle feedback for something similar to the campaign of half life 2 is different than asking for call of duty multiplayer.

On 3/14/2019 at 7:11 AM, suliman said:

@shade4x Why so hostile? I have 16 years of experience as a hobbyist game developer (never been employed as a game developer). But an argument should ideally stand on it's own merit and not upon who said it.

Already implemented functionality = I meant built-in into an engine, ready to use (so already implemented by someone else than you). I see so many failed or unpolished fps:es that I dont think my comment was overly unnecessary (especially if they really are only two people in the entire team).

I get a feeling it's sort of a multiplayer arena game, is that true? Asking for vehicle feedback for something similar to the campaign of half life 2 is different than asking for call of duty multiplayer.

Ahh i see my post got deleted. So let me be clear to you and the mods.

People that pretend, and intentionally mislead people do a great harm to countless untold people. Lets say i listen to your advice and spend 3 months creating a vehicle controller and a FPS controller from scratch, only to find out that i could of bought a better, well tested version for $15. I'm out 3 months of my life, due to your opinion, which is based on 16 years experience (Never been employed as a game developer). I can assume you have some games released, even as a hobby, or at least finished right? Only to find out you don't have any games made or completed, you just like to write about what you would do if you ever made a game.

Now, how is that not fraud? How is that helping anyone? Why do you think so many games never get finished? Hit a wall due to bad info. And the people that actually know what they are talking, arn't going to visit that forum, because you have to spend half your time figuring out who's telling the truth and who's not.


Shade please cut it out.

Im not trying to destroy someones life. Im simply pointing out that when you set out in this business, many people bite off more than they can chew (having overly ambitous projects when not realizing how much work is required), which leads to lots of disappointment and people giving up. I was certainly like that when I started making games in 2001.

On topic: I would still recommend the OP to flesh out the core shooting first, as well as other critic components, such as networking if the game is multiplayer.

On 3/12/2019 at 10:01 PM, shade4x said:

In other words, no, you have no actual experience making a game, you just like talking about it a lot. No shame in that. Just don't expect to be taking seriously when you use terms like "already implemented functionality". Or perhaps in your endless wisdom you could kindly explain how one would use unimplemented functionality? Would it be possible to use already unimplemented functionality?

You talk as if you're pro but I've never heard a pro talk like that. You're a walking talking contradiction.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

On 3/22/2019 at 10:52 AM, shade4x said:

People that pretend, and intentionally mislead people do a great harm to countless untold people. Lets say i listen to your advice and spend 3 months creating a vehicle controller and a FPS controller from scratch, only to find out that i could of bought a better, well tested version for $15. I'm out 3 months of my life, due to your opinion, which is based on 16 years experience (Never been employed as a game developer). I can assume you have some games released, even as a hobby, or at least finished right? Only to find out you don't have any games made or completed, you just like to write about what you would do if you ever made a game.

Now, how is that not fraud? How is that helping anyone? Why do you think so many games never get finished? Hit a wall due to bad info. And the people that actually know what they are talking, arn't going to visit that forum, because you have to spend half your time figuring out who's telling the truth and who's not.

@suliman gave sound advice... if you're going to add any vehicles to a FPS game then it needs to mesh in with the flow of the game. Horrible vehicle control will kill that experience and disrupt the overall user experience. I've played enough games to know when my experience gets downgraded by having horrible vehicle integration.

The comment about wasting time is ridiculous... If you don't want that risk in time being taken from you by learning to write your own code then go and buy a script that handles what you need... some of us enjoy programming our own components.

Why are you asking about someone's employment in the game industry? Who cares... if someone is doing this commercially or as a hobby that doesn't automatically make anything they say false. It's also your responsibility to do some sound research from different sources. Are you forgetting that when we make games for public release our target audience isn't developers? If gamers don't like how your game handles vehicles with first person shooting does that mean their opinion is worthless because they're not employed in the game industry?

I read through the thread a few times and I still cannot find any connection on how someone goes from saying to make sure the vehicles are done properly all the way into commiting fraud and misleading people... unless some posts where removed.

There are also many reasons why games as you put it are not completed... and I doubt majority of that is because someone took bad advice on a forum... The amount of time, skill, talent, commitment, motivation, and money required would be way higher on the list of reasons...

Programmer and 3D Artist

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-- Tom Sloper --

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