
Need advice for a female Native American character I'm creating

Started by January 05, 2019 09:05 PM
42 comments, last by Joseph Al-Tal 5 years, 6 months ago

I would rather try to persuade a man to go along, because once I have persuaded him, he will stick. If I scare him, he will stay just as long as he is scared, and then he is gone.” - Dwight Eisenhower

Just about any writer is trying to send messages, or convey ideas and/or concepts, in their stories. The worst possible way to do this is to say it outright. The most effective way to do this is to subtly convey it. A common paraphrasing of Ike's quote above is “The art of leadership is persuasion, not hitting the other guy over the head with a hammer”, and this really says it better than anything else.

If you are preaching too the audience then you are defeating your own goal. They don't want to be hit over the head with a hammer, and they will resist being hit over the head with a hammer. They will begin actively thinking of reasons why you are wrong, and an idiot. If, on the other hand, you subtly convey an intriguing thought or concept... you may actually succeed in your goal of the audience actually accepting your message as a part of their own way of thinking.

If you intrigue them and start a thought process by which they arrived at the conclusion you were wanting them too, they will accept it into their own way of thinking. If you try to preach too them and hit them over the head with a hammer, they will find excuses why you are wrong. So you are only doing yourself a disservice when you preach to the audience about what you want them to believe... that's the one thing they aren't going to believe when they are finished with your story.

"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it." - "Ike" again...


"I wish that I could live it all again."

I see what you're saying. So to convey it without trying to put so much of it being flashed into someone's face, I could just have a small hint about it, like maybe she wears a particular small necklace piece with a small bead in it that relates to her cultures heritage that so happens to be Native American without having to of explained to everyone "hey btw she's a Native American woman that descends from a family member of so and so tribe" I could just add some small detail like a small bead or earing or ring that is thoroughly researched in case antone questions or wonders about it based on her family's ancestral tribe that was passed down like her grandfather's great great grandfather's jewel that was kept in the family or she mentions a death of a fsmiky.member that was buried with kept native traditions?  Are  these good examples? 

2 minutes ago, RevanT1 said:

I see what you're saying. So to convey it without trying to put so much of it being flashed into someone's face, I could just have a small hint about it, like maybe she wears a particular small necklace piece with a small bead in it that relates to her cultures heritage that so happens to be Native American without having to of explained to everyone "hey btw she's a Native American woman that descends from a family member of so and so tribe" I could just add some small detail like a small bead or earing or ring that is thoroughly researched in case antone questions or wonders about it based on her family's ancestral tribe that was passed down like her grandfather's great great grandfather's jewel that was kept in the family or she mentions a death of a fsmiky.member that was buried with kept native traditions?  Are  these good examples? 

Sounds pretty good to me. ;) 

Okay great :) 

Now in terms of her style, I could still make her a mixed martial arts fighter so I really don;t have to have her pertain to some style based on Native American culture right? She could just be a mix of shoot fighting, judo, wrestling, karate, kickboxing? Cause those styles have nothing to do with Native American culture but fits with the MMA theme style.

Yup, keep it about the story.  Unless this is the star character of the game and everything hinges on a super detailed  backstory, keep it simple, light, fun.  Remember, games are usually an escape from all these kinds of complex issues.  If you let people forget about them, it works better.

Works for me. Now if I want it simple but still keep it a known fact or hint of her Native culture, should I stick with some Native American clothing aesthetics for her to wear to symbol her theme? Ya know how some wrestlers and UFC fighters enter the ring with some type of theme based on their culture? Or stick with the common MMA gear design, MAYBE with a small design reference to her ancestors tribe on the back of her top, her shorts or her gloves? Sorry for all the questions as I want the best possible answers to avoid any controversy. 

And to even things out I'd add a bad female Native American who happens to be her cousin and a cop that uses electric tasers, electric brass knuckle gloves, electric nightstick, etc. What do you think?

Thank you once again. 


As long as the characters fit the story/game, nobody should be too upset about it.  How much backstory is really necessary?  Keep that in mind.  If the worry is people taking issue with your portrayal.  The less there is, the less you need to research, and the less there is to dissect. ;)  Stories/games don't have to be culturally representative of the real world, and I think many times they shouldn't be.   Because unless they are done really really well, somebody will feel misrepresented and somebody else will feel left out somehow, and those are at least 2 somebodies who will be outspoken about not wanting to play your game.  Sometimes this works in your favor by creating a buzz and controversy(any news is good news sometimes), but these days I think it mostly leads to a dead end.

Best of luck! :D

Thanks! I think I'll stick more to the basics and what makes the character really fun to play most with a nice design, ;) the heritage could just be a small tribute reference, otherwise I have to dig too much into representing every single culture so no one feels discriminated which I don't want to happen. Now race is a different thing, like I don't think I would need to explain why a black Canadian character exists for example.

3 minutes ago, RevanT1 said:

Now race is a different thing, like I don't think I would need to explain why a black Canadian character exists for example.

True, and best you don't for the above mentioned reasons as well.  haha. ;) 

I'm all for games/stories that explore and correctly depict culture and race, so don't get me wrong.  We need more of them.  It's just something that I feel should really take most of the focus and the effort when it's done.  If you're just wanting to make a fighting game, give them a flag and an outfit that fits the fight location/style. ;)

Always, just my 2c.

7 minutes ago, Septopus said:

True, and best you don't for the above mentioned reasons as well.  haha. ;) 

I'm all for games/stories that explore and correctly depict culture and race, so don't get me wrong.  We need more of them.  It's just something that I feel should really take most of the focus and the effort when it's done.  If you're just wanting to make a fighting game, give them a flag and an outfit that fits the fight location/style. ;)

Always, just my 2c.

Agreed! But let's say some fans complain why this and that culture is not being fully represented? Should this be a concern or am I looking to deep into this? Since I'm really focusing on making these characters represent more based on character themes and trope fighting styles like MMA fighters, aliens, robots, monsters, etc, could that help overshadow characters heritages and nationalities? Race shouldn't be a problem as the color of the characters skin is just that, any character can be any race, a cyborg or mage can be any race so that's easy, I mean right?

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