
[Action Third Person Shooter] Project Blockchainz for Unity Game Jam

Started by November 02, 2018 11:00 AM
12 comments, last by Tom Sloper 5 years, 7 months ago
On 12/11/2018 at 4:36 PM, Daniel Pacheco said:

Hey mate! I didn´t see you game published pon the Gamejam.

I know! It will finally be ready to be downloaded this week. Hope to show you tomorrow some screenshots, a little bit gameplay and so Devlog, indeed!

Update: The Soldier Book.

DAY 15.
I was born in the era where dying is not an option. Every day I have fought to change the world. I know I’m just a soldier in wartime, maybe in the worst time Earth has ever passed through. If I live for fighting is because faith demands me to. Don’t know if today we will defeat the great horde, but I really wanna believe tomorrow will be a better day, even if I am not alive to see it.
At least the 80% of my body is full of bandages. The thinner I am, the heavier the flak jacket becomes. I guess the weight is for all the friends I have lost.
Today, once I walk out the doors, armed to the teeth, I ain’t gonna think of coming back until the great horde of zombies is completely destroyed. I’ll give my last breath to keep this bunker in safe. 
Every day feels like it is the last day. Everyday becomes to a new day.

[BTW, tomorrow we will finally show you the whole game, and by the end of the week you will be able to download it thorugh]

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Hey everybody,

Project BlockchainZ is already available. You are so welcome to download the video game prototype on

Just to remember, a few words about the game:

In a world shattered by the nonliving hazard, while the reinforcements arrive you must protect the bunker and keep the settlers alive, not only against the zombie menace, but also the blistering raiders. 
Right now, there’s only one way to destroy the damn zombies: the BlockchainZ Ammo (Bz Ammo). 
Be extremely careful: the more Bz Ammo you get, the more raiders will attack you. Your mission is to destroy all the zombie hatches around the worldmap and spoil as much as Bz Ammo as possible in order to protect the bunker.
The future of the colony depends on you.

Right now, feedback is critical for us in order to balance the gameplay as better as possible. Any suggestions are welcome. 

If you want to join us, you are welcome to our Discord Server: 

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This thread started as a discussion about the writing in the above game. Now that the game is released and the above post is essentially an advertisement for the game, this thread is being closed. Further discussion about the above game should take place in new threads, in the appropriate forums. Advertisements are permitted only in Your Announcements, and there is an announcement about this game now in Your Announcements. Congrats to Esteban5XG for releasing the game. 

-- Tom Sloper --

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