
[Action Third Person Shooter] Project Blockchainz for Unity Game Jam

Started by November 02, 2018 11:00 AM
12 comments, last by Tom Sloper 5 years, 7 months ago

Hi everybody,

So, me and my colleagues are now joining Unity Game Jam. It's gonna be two weeks and we are trying to make a Third Person Shooter with RPG and RTT mechanics video game. We've started yesterday with the main concept and this is what we have:


Game Storyline

Nobody could imagine the falling of the whole world until the deaths woke up. That nonliving ones became something we cannot consider as human being. They change into a new creature, stronger, more frightening, and almost unbeatable. Society broke in pieces and the few ones alive had to survive at any cost.

As the Major of a ranger platoon you have found an abandoned Military Outpost crowded of helpless people closer to one of the coldest parts in the world. You must keep them in safe until the reinforcements arrive.

There’s only one way to kill the damn zombies: the BlockchainZ Ammo.

Search for the BlockchainZ Ammo and destroy the hordes of zombies, but beware of the raiders: they will take your BlockchainZ Ammo whatever it takes.

Right now the Raiders have all the BlockchainZ ammo, you must fight them and spoil it, but be on guard, they will counterattack.

Remember, the survival of the people depends on you. Don’t let them down!



Once you start playing Project BlockchainZ, you must defend the bunker against the hordes of zombies and raiders on a fixed map where you'll fight with your troops and traps.

The bunker is basically the main area where you'll not only have to keep the people within alive, but also yourself during the reinforcements arrive.

The zombies are extremely resistant, so you will need a type of ammo called BlockchainZ, which contains a very strong poison that acts directly against the brain traveling through the body.

The BlockchainZ Ammo is hidden in Raiders's Facility Bases and you must spoil it from them. The more  B-Z Ammo you spoil, the more Raiders will attack you, increasing the game difficulty level.



  • Third Person Shooter.
  • Tactical map to manage your troops across the battle.
  • Deploy defensive elements to direct the action where you want.
  • Post apocalypse - scify style.
  • RPG character development.


Right now, we've just opened our Project page in the forum. We only have two weeks to develope this idea. Our team is formed by two programmers, one game designer/ scriptwriter and one artist. So, we will update this thread to show you our improvements. Hope you like it. Any suggestions are always welcome. Thanks for all the support!



ProjectBlockchainLogo sin fondo.png

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Hey! I already saw this game in Unity gamejam! 


Luck with the development, there´re many participants but I only can find info about Project BlockchainZ.


UPDATE: The Soldier Book.

DAY 3.

We’re all completely exhausted. It’s been more than 12 hours to keep all these people in safe behind the walls of the bunker. Finally we’ve just kept all the doors and windows locked from every adjacent building in order to guide the “enemy” by the way we want to.

It is said that you have to live each every day like it could be the last one, but right here we all have the sad sensation that day has gone a long time ago. It’s not only depression or sadness for the times we have to live, but also the whole apathy and the desperate agony managing our hearts. Our bodies have become the glory audience of the tragedy.

We all the team have worked like animals (is it still allowed to say “animals”?). Our team is formed by Bob the bee, Mike Hundred Tattoos, Gunter the Shrapnel… we all have worked so hard. Even the Little Timmy. We came here as a Military Outpost searching for survivors, but we never imagined to find a whole colony, crowded of people consumed by the hopeless, with no future to feed which. How is even possible not to help them? We have to give them our support whatever it takes.

At this moment, we are all inside the bunker. The doors are locked at all costs. Radio signal still doesn’t work and there’s a solitude feeling spinning around our heads. Barely a crack behind the doors let the air come inside, and so all the screaming and the groans of pain.  Sometimes we can hear the shooting outdoor and all our mates fighting in order to defend not only the bunker but also themselves.

Nobody could imagine the end of the world until the death woke up. They are not death anymore. These creatures are now zombies. The worst animals on Earth. 

I don’t know when will they call me to fight, but I guess I’m ready. Just quaking in my boots right now, but it’s OK.

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Update: The Soldier Book.

DAY 5.

Radio signal is working! Radio signal is working! It’s now transcribing some information. This information is gradually revealed, but at least it’s something.

The raides has taken the control of the Northern sector, so they are getting closer to the bunker. That’s something we cannot allow. Our informers have the suspicions that these bandits have in their own a very big quantity of B-Z Ammo. We‘ve just calculated that a horde of zombies will arrive in about 4 days. Mike thinks we have to go now for the B-Z Ammo. That’s the only way to defend, tooth and nail, the bunker. I believe we have no time. We barely can defend the onslaughts of zombies with the few B-Z Ammo at our disposal. We need to get the access to the rest of the Ammo as soon as we can, even if that means the extermination of the raiders. There is no other way: raiders or us.

Today I’ve seen a little girl die. She just died in my arms. Infection has killed her. Her eyes, deeply covered with blood, are gonna be opened forever, but not her breath. Once she has died, I shooted her in the eyes. She was already dead by then, and that was the problem.

Barely not a soul would fit in the hospital area of the bunker. Our downs are worse than theirs. So, what a zombie means to all the hordes of the living death that still have to come? Gunter and Mike are now recruited for the fight, so they went with the rest of the platoon.  Honestly, I don’t’ know if I will see them again.

Maybe you all think that killing a zombie doesn’t make a real difference, but when a soldier dies, that’s damn bullshit.

Gunter, Mike. Best of luck, guys.

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Update: The Soldier Book.

DAY 9.

I always though seeing a horde of zombies coming could be the scariest sensation to feel. But I was wrong. Completely wrong, indeed. Today there are some hordes coming, but these hordes are crowded of injured soldiers, mates who come back destroyed by the war consequences, some of them just come back in pieces, with no life inside their bodies, and totally flooding of blood and pain all the beds at the nursery.

Today I was heaping martyred bodies in the crematory oven: most of the times I burn fingers, arms, some legs and once in a while I burn heads. Suddenly, I took an arm completely tattooed. It was the Mike’s arm. I barely vomit in myself just by touching the arm. It was still warm and making some jerky movements. I am not gonna lie to you: I knew I was crying like a baby because I felt the tears burning my face while falling down.

People die every day, but knowing Mike’s death was enough for me to feel that we all have lost him. There is shit everywhere I see and I cannot imagine a good way to end this.

Next days I gonna be recruited. There are not enough soldier to fight for the bunker. And I don’t know what’s better: waiting the death to come or going to find it.

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Will you release the Jam today?

4 minutes ago, Daniel Pacheco said:

Will you release the Jam today?

Not today. Just finisihing the prototype. Tomorrow (or maybe next monday) will show you graphics, characters, enemies, worldmap and some mechanics. Also doing the website!

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Update: The Soldier Book.

DAY 12.

Training day. We are taking the last military training with the best anti-zombie tactics in order to fight and defeat them. Yesterday Gunter the Shrapnel came back from the battlefield, with more of the damn shrapnel on his ass! That stupid son of the bitch will never die. Gunter tells me the last horde was nothing in comparison with the new one coming.  They calculate the worst history horde of zombies ever will arrive in three days. I’ve never felt so scared in my whole life, but so pissed either. You won’t see me crying because of sadness. My tears are made of anger. I hate the #*@!ing zombies.

So, today we are gonna attack the raiders facility bases. We need all the B-Z Ammo they have. It’s all about this damn ammo. We spoil it or defending the bunker won’t worth it.

Little Timmy is calmer than usual. It seems that he does not realize the fact that, once we leave the bunker, we gotta fight for real. And we won’t only do it for ourselves, but also for all the humanity.

I did not choose to fight in the world we live, but I don’t know another way to live for. Don’t know if today would be my last day alive. If I survive, tomorrow will be a new day.

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Update: Soldier Book

DAY 14.

If I am writing this it’s because we made it. We took the B-Z Ammo! It’s not all we wanted, but at least it will support us against the great horde.

My arms and feet are still trembling in fear. I’ve just shit on me a couple of times and I have no voice in my throat, but I guess these are the consequences of the battle. Little Timmy feels stronger. I believe this battle will make him grow up faster.

People at the bunker are really kind. At nursery, they keep us alive the enough time to be ready for the next battle. I barely have energy in my body, but at least I have to try.

It is common to say that the world is for the braves. I believe that’s a big lie. The world is for the rest of the people alive after the war.

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Hey mate! I didn´t see you game published pon the Gamejam.

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