
Questions for Developers

Started by September 24, 2018 04:45 PM
3 comments, last by Yoshirouuu 5 years, 11 months ago

I don’t know if I’m allowed ask this, so direct me to the right forum if I’m wrong please! I have an lcvp class and we need to interview someone in the line of work we want to go into, so I have some questions if anyone would like to answer :)
My discord is @Yoshirouuu#7378 if you can’t answer here.

  • What studio do you work for?
  • What is the starting Salary? 
  • What do you enjoy about the job?
  • What are the working hours?
  • Is there much overtime?
  • How much are you paid for overtime?
  • What games have you worked on?
  • What do you dislike about your job?
  • What type of work is involved?
  • What happens in a typical day?
  • How did you get the job? (College course, Qualifications etc)
  • When you got your job did you have to learn anything? (Programming language, applications?)
  • Is there many opportunities for promotions? 
  • What days do you work?
  • How many holidays are you allowed?
  • Is there opportunity for travel in your job?
  • Are there specific rules in your job? (Uniform?)
  • What other areas/studios do you work with?
  • Do you deal with public often?
  • What is your favourite part about working on a game?
  • Does your job have any benefits?
  • Is there ever any conflicts or arguments?
  • Were you able to make friends quickly?
  • Thanks very much!

I have an LCVP project and I need to ask someone from the games Industry some questions regarding the industry and the job/workplace, If anyone can help please reply or hit me up on discord Yoshirouuu#7378


According to Google, LCVP means "landing craft, vehicle, personnel." Obviously, that's not what it means to youuu. Sorry, long-winded way of asking "what does LCVP stand for?" (Just curious.)

-- Tom Sloper --

16 hours ago, Tom Sloper said:

According to Google, LCVP means "landing craft, vehicle, personnel." Obviously, that's not what it means to youuu. Sorry, long-winded way of asking "what does LCVP stand for?" (Just curious.)

It means Leaving Cert Vocational Programme, it’s a class in secondary school here where we do things like make CV’s and learn about job related things or post secondary school things

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