

Started by March 29, 2018 03:57 PM
8 comments, last by Fritz1 6 years, 4 months ago

I have finished developing a number of games.

Because I am new here, I need to post 5 posts to be allowed to announce my site.

So, here goes, I thought I start with introducing myself. I have been programming for many years, usually sites, web apps and mobile apps. Most of it was one using PHP, MySQL, frameworks, and a stable Linux system. Now I have turned my attention to web sockets. Since I am a chess player, I was thinking about implementing these kind of games myself, i. e. two players, playing each other, in real time. I chose web sockets for that. Had to learn quite a bit, but naturally, my past experience in programming helped a lot. So, I did a "four in a row" game, which only makes sense for two players (otherwise it would not be fair).

It worked - it was so encouraging! I expanded, and did a "five in a row". The more I implemented, they more joy I had, and wanted to do more. Later on, I added other games. And again a little later, I added games for more than two players.

So now, after some months, I have a collection of 12 games, each for 1 - 5 players, all playing each other in real time (except when you practice by yourself). Some of these games are being played alternately (by 2 players). Others are being played at the same time, by as many as 5 players.

Then I decided to combine my programming skills with business. So everyone can play these games for free, but they can also choose to play with a stake. There you have it, a great opportunity to win some cash!

One more thing was and is important to me: I like sincerity, so I did not implement any games that had to do with "coincidents", "rolling dice", and so on. The games I develop should be fair, depending on things like skill, intellect, knowledge, practice, and solving things quickly. Simple games, easy to understand, so everyone can play them. Also, if you are good at them, you win. It should be entertaining, and you can even win some cash.

Thanks for your attention and I hope I can learn more in this forum.

7 hours ago, Fritz1 said:

There you have it, a great opportunity to win some cash!

Do you mean these are gambling games?

Don't get me wrong. I am not against gambling, in fact I also like loot boxes, gacha and booster packs (although all 3 are the same thing). I am interested in gambling games.


It really depends how you define gambling. In our country, the government restricts gambling, but not gaming. I checked with them and they said, my games are not gambling. By that, they mean, it does not involve "luck", "coincidence", "chance", "rolling dice" and the like. Our games purely depend on a player's skill and speed (whoever is first gets a point). Yes, you can play with a stake, and win money big time. But it's not like with poker: if an Ace comes I win, if not I loose. If you are good at it, you win.

15 hours ago, Fritz1 said:

In our country, the government restricts gambling, but not gaming. I checked with them and they said, my games are not gambling.

Most countries do consider this to be gambling. Modern casinos actually use Match 3 games for gambling and have started to implement what is now known as "Skill-Based" gambling games. I take a lot of interest in these games.

Basically the reason this is still consider gambling by most is because you are betting on yourself to win. There is no guarantee that you will win so it still remains a game of chance. Even a professional could lose to a amateur player on a bad day, so it's still a game of chance.


Players will be judged by their own laws, regardless of what your laws say. If you want to last as a gambling game then you need to make it clear that it is in fact could be considered gambling in most countries.


Besides laws there is app store and market place rules to consider. Lot's of them don't allow these types of games.

With all this said, I am not a lawyer. You should get a lawyer.

Thanks for your reply. Concerning the law in our country, it is about whether or not I am allowed to offer these games. So it is the first step I needed to take, to find out if I have to get a special permission. I received an official statement from our government. They permit me to offer these games without the need for a special certificate.

It is possible that people in some countries are not allowed to play these games, if I understand correctly. I respect these laws, even if it does sound strange to see playing these games as "betting". I rather see it as players paying an entrance fee into the playing hall. Especially since they do not at all rely on any "chance", but solely on the players' skill. It would be chance if it depended on dice, or cards. But no such things are involved.

And concerning Play Store, I see some games that offer this or some similar functionality as well.

But anyway, thank you for your advice.

Anything that gives cash, or that gives physical items of value, or that gives electronic items that can be equated to real value, all are regulated under gambling laws around the globe.

The typical reasons are first, money laundering, and second, taxation.  Consequently these games are among the most regulated software of all types, perhaps only second to medical device software.

It is extremely easy for a group of people (such as organized crime) to put money into a gambling system, work together to ensure the money gets mixed up, and then come back out as laundered money. Even if you've taken steps to ensure random number generators are random, if there are multiple players involved then criminal elements can bring in sufficient members together to ensure one of them has a higher probability to win.  They don't even need to get all their money back, money laundering schemes that can even get 50% or 25% of the money back is still good enough for many criminal groups since the money is stolen to begin with.

The second is taxation. Governments really care about getting their cut of money whenever it changes hands. Most business problems will result in fines or penalties, but tax issues are different and usually result in prison time for the business owner.

Before you provide anything back to the players you need to talk with a qualified attorney and discuss the legal requirements, regulations, and the risks involved.  Many laws regarding money laundering have international reach, so even if you don't have the law locally you may be subject to extradition. Thus your successful game may in turn land you in jail.

Some games do it. Some break the law even if they don't realize it. Some aren't caught.  But many that have problems are caught and the business owners sometimes jailed.  I personally know someone who was involved in that kind of behavior, and he spent five years in prison for tax fraud (which I think he deserved because he knew he was skirting the law and getting money from it).

It is not an area to experiment with, unless you are also comfortable experimenting with prison time.  Review it carefully with real life lawyers who understand that aspect of the law, and follow their advice.


Thank you for your word of caution. I will definitely consult a lawyer.

OK, I took a longer time to talk to authorities and lawyers.

Finally, I received official confirmation.

My quiz platform is LEGAL, both in my own country and worldwide.

Also, I checked with taxation. Everything runs normally as part of my business.

I am now ready to ask for feedback and will do so in another thread..

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