
Help with cryptocurrency?

Started by March 28, 2018 12:56 PM
5 comments, last by Katie 6 years, 2 months ago

Hey all. Hope you're doing good :) Going through some old documents I finally found an old crypto wallet when I dug into mining mid 2013 (sorry... :D) I'm thinking of just forgetting about the exchange rate rn and cashing out as I could really use the money (worth about £150 - less than 0.03BTC) however I was wondering if it was counted as income in the UK, as I'm going to be earning only just under the personal allowance amount here in the UK according to this tax calculator. Anyone have experience with cryptocurrencies and know what they're classed as tax-wise? Thanks!

Yes, you are liable for Capital Gains Tax on the profit you made.


As I understand it, there is no special regulation for crypto currency

Well, yes, I agree. If there are no specific limits for trading crypto-currencies and they are not prohibited, then this case will be governed solely by the profit tax. This is what I used to connect with when I was withdrawing money 

do you self assess?

if not check

and the capitol gains tax free allowance is £11,700 so if you are under that then you don't have to report it, i think.

My understanding is also that capgains under the personal threshold does not need to be reported if one is not doing Self Assessment. You can write to them and tell them if you want to, but in my experience any conversation with HMRC they're not expecting just confuses them more.


If you're doing SA, it needs reporting, but won't be taxed under that threshold. If you're just under the personal allowance then you won't be doing SA.


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