
Making Certain themes accepectable

Started by March 16, 2018 10:29 AM
57 comments, last by SRich867 6 years, 3 months ago

Looks like you want to get attention and interest in your game by choosing this kind of controversial theme here but also you want to avoid any negative impact. Life does not work in that way. 

Answering to the question "how careful you should be", I think it depends on you. I don't understand what you are trying to achieve. Its like experimenting with people and their reaction to game mindset like this ? Or experimenting only with your self ? Or you want to avoid legal circumstances ? Its unclear to me, what you are trying to do with "explore themes" :) Maybe try to write for yourself only and don't bring things which can hurt people in anyway.

Although I don't see any interest in game only because it has kids soldiers, gay dragons or pandas whose live underground :)

User interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.
On 27/03/2018 at 2:31 PM, Eimantas Gabrielius said:

Looks like you want to get attention and interest in your game by choosing this kind of controversial theme here but also you want to avoid any negative impact. Life does not work in that way. 

Answering to the question "how careful you should be", I think it depends on you. I don't understand what you are trying to achieve. Its like experimenting with people and their reaction to game mindset like this ? Or experimenting only with your self ? Or you want to avoid legal circumstances ? Its unclear to me, what you are trying to do with "explore themes"  Maybe try to write for yourself only and don't bring things which can hurt people in anyway.

I am trying to minimise the Negative Impact. Everyone has an opinion on something.


I am trying to explore the theme "Young Love with Guns" if that makes sense. The only other route I could see my self using is with Gangs, and I really think I am ignorant of that culture.


On 3/17/2018 at 9:43 PM, swiftcoder said:

To tackle a controversial topic without having anything to say... that seems fairly reckless.

I'm not really sure I agree with this, and I think that this might be central to the issue and discussion.

There are two stances here: the first is that an issue has the potential to cause controversy; the second is that such issues are always inherently controversial. From these two stances, there are three possible directions: the first is that such issues are always inherently controversial, and should always be avoided, unless they're trying to do some good; the second is that such issues have the potential to cause controversy, and so should be handled with a mind towards that matter; the third is that while such issues may have the potential to cause controversy, the use of the issue itself is not inherently controversial, and so the issue can be used freely, and this aspect can be safely ignored. There are many examples of all of these directions, but I do not intend to get into any kind of debate or discuss about the matter.

The reason for this post is just to ensure that you understand, when discussing and proceeding with the idea, which stance and direction you are taking (and why), and which stance and direction the people you are talking to are taking (and how you will respect that position).

Personally, I think that people can feature or explore potentially controversial themes without making any kind of statement regarding that potential controversy, BUT such people should be aware of what they are doing, and why, and being fully prepared to respect the views of others at all times.

On 4/19/2018 at 12:43 PM, NanaMarfo said:

I am trying to minimise the Negative Impact. Everyone has an opinion on something.

That's fine. Everyone does have an opinion. You don't have to agree with them, but you do have to treat them with respect - for no other reason than that their opinion is no less of an opinion than yours.

On 5/17/2018 at 9:12 AM, SomeoneRichards said:

Personally, I think that people can feature or explore potentially controversial themes without making any kind of statement regarding that potential controversy

Choosing to engage with a controversial topic is itself a statement thereon, whether or not you intend it to be one.

Not condemning a controversial topic that you have explicitly chosen to engage with, can (and often will) be interpreted as implicitly condoning it.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

2 hours ago, swiftcoder said:

Choosing to engage with a controversial topic is itself a statement thereon, whether or not you intend it to be one.

No it isn't. Choosing to feature a topic, and choosing to make a statement are two separate things. To make a statement is a deliberate active process. Watch:

Sometimes children are used in warfare.

I just said it. I didn't say I was for it. I didn't say I was against it. I didn't say I was neutral in regards to it. I didn't say I wanted to discuss it. I didn't say I didn't want to discuss it. I didn't say anything about it, other than that it is.

Choosing to feature a topic that CAN BE considered controversial CAN BE considered as a statement thereon. It's not up to me what another person takes to be a statement or not. And just because another person can consider something I have said to be a statement about something doesn't make it the case. Reality doesn't work like that.

One can use such a feature while remaining completely passive towards any wider ideals or concepts about the feature. And doing so is not a statement about that passiveness.

Of course, I'm aware of many of the ways* that the things that I say and do CAN BE interpreted, and, generally, I feel that I should do so responsible. But I don't always things this of the things I do, and I don't think that because this is something I (generally) try to do that it is an absolute maxim for mankind.

I can write a story. That story can feature soldiers. Those soldiers can be children. The fact that that aspect can have specific connotations or interpretations by some people doesn't make those connotations or interpretations of that aspect. Not any more than my featuring soldiers is a statement about war, or my writing a story is a statement about stories/prose/sentences/words/fiction/the English language, or the fact that my characters all eat meat is a statement about vegetarianism, etc.

*This list seems to be inexhaustible.

On 5/18/2018 at 1:34 PM, SomeoneRichards said:

Choosing to feature a topic that CAN BE considered controversial CAN BE considered as a statement thereon. It's not up to me what another person takes to be a statement or not.

We appear to disagree on the definition of the word "controversial". I quote the dictionary:

"giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement"

Controversy is purely subjective. It only exists when multiple people disagree about an issue. Your actions in isolation cannot be either controversial or noncontroversial - they become such only in the court of public opinion.

And once you are in the court of public opinion, your intent (or lack thereof) is irrelevant to any controversy that arises. Lack of intent at best might help dodge some of the fallout.


Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

On 5/17/2018 at 6:12 PM, SomeoneRichards said:

I think that people can feature or explore potentially controversial themes without making any kind of statement regarding that potential controversy

You can't. I know this is hard to understand at first but artist deal with this all the time.

Any topic you choose to draw, paint, write or make a game from, will reflect your understanding of the topic. This is because anything you make is build upon what you know. You can't make something from nothing.

You will make statements, often ones you are unaware of.



In my humble opinion, doesn't matter how old are your soldiers, the game will sell if it's good, it won't if it's not.

4 minutes ago, Michael Aganier said:

In my humble opinion, doesn't matter how old are your soldiers, the game will sell if it's good, it won't if it's not.

If people do not like your ethics, that will affect sales.

21 minutes ago, Scouting Ninja said:

You can't. I know this is hard to understand at first but artist deal with this all the time.

Any topic you choose to draw, paint, write or make a game from, will reflect your understanding of the topic. This is because anything you make is build upon what you know. You can't make something from nothing.

You will make statements, often ones you are unaware of.



If it's based on mediums you have played/seen in the past(I am talking Kingdom Hearts and FullMetal Alchemist)?


3 hours ago, NanaMarfo said:

If it's based on mediums you have played/seen in the past(I am talking Kingdom Hearts and FullMetal Alchemist)?

It's based on personal experience from making art.

Art reflects our view point. Like how many of the anime who have child protagonists fighting against adults and wining uses a happy fantasy like art style; but the ones that show children losing always uses a more depressing realistic style.

That alone tells you what humanity thinks is the more realistic situation.

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