
Problem with sleep

Started by February 19, 2018 10:28 AM
42 comments, last by Anri 6 years, 6 months ago

I don't know if this happens to you guys, but everyday which I program, I usually do wake up 4-6 times in the night with some kind of "resolution" which I don't even remember what it was about, which makes me wake up in the morning feeling a little tired. Yesterday (sunday), I didn't program at all, and I really slept very well, and woke up feeling restored. Do this happen to you too?

Yeah sometimes i have this too. Also for me this may happen even without doing any programming at all -> Kids are so tiring sometimes and getting proper sleep is hard nowadays.


Do you by any chance watch the screen late nights at around 10.00 PM onwards? If so, then that maybe the cause for the lack of sleep because according to an article(which my mom claims it and not me btw), The rays that hit your eyes from the monitor can cause your brain to grow hyperactive causing the inability to sleep.

If you are in a company that forces you to work double shifts or triple shifts for that matter, then why not quit it and go to those that have anti-crunch policies?


3 hours ago, CaptainVG said:

If you are in a company that forces you to work double shifts or triple shifts for that matter, then why not quit it and go to those that have anti-crunch policies?

I forgot to mention, I'm not working (I'm a student).

3 hours ago, CaptainVG said:

Do you by any chance watch the screen late nights at around 10.00 PM onwards? If so, then that maybe the cause for the lack of sleep because according to an article(which my mom claims it and not me btw), The rays that hit your eyes from the monitor can cause your brain to grow hyperactive causing the inability to sleep.

I generally go to sleep between 10 to 10:30 pm, because I wake up at 6:00 AM.

My body clock is now seriously messed up, and it started gradually while I was a student

Now I'm more or less a nocturnal person, Life forces me to work during day time but I code more comfortably and better during the night. Basically I now feel more natural and at ease coding throughout the night than at any other time. Needless to say this has had an adverse effect on all aspects of my life. Its too late for me fix now

I don't know if what happened to me is now what is beginning to happen to you. I doubt.  But just in case it is, my advise: try to fix it early and quickly now


can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

19 minutes ago, grumpyOldDude said:

I don't know if what happened to me is now what is beginning to happen to you. I doubt.  But just in case it is, my advise: try to fix it early and quickly now

I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the tip.


Thinking about algorithms or implementation details is the programmer version of a common reason for insomnia in which your mind is simply too active to get to sleep or to maintain sleep.  I have horrible insomnia (at one point last week it was approaching 100 hours with only 10-16 hours of sleep), and so have strategies for fighting some of these problems.

I tend not to program just before bed and instead engage in a long multi-hour wind-down involving video games (Super Smash for Wii U), chess, chat, and piano.  It's good to have a variety of things you can do to pass a few hours before bed after programming.

I am about to see a sleep specialist and will have better advice to share afterwards, but as grumpyOldDude points out it does tend to worsen with age.  In my case sound sleep is almost impossible to obtain, regardless of what I do in the day, and it is impossible to say whether that was always going to be the case as I always naturally tended towards the nocturnal life, or if it got worse because I was unable to fix some tendency such as over-active mind earlier.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

8 minutes ago, L. Spiro said:

I tend not to program just before bed and instead engage in a long multi-hour wind-down involving video games (Super Smash for Wii U), chess, chat, and piano.  It's good to have a variety of things you can do to pass a few hours before bed after programming.

That's interesting. I'll try it tomorrow to see if it helps me at least a little bit, and I'll share my experience.

In addition to what others have said, make sure you're getting sufficient exercise. 

Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times a week. In addition to all the normal health benefits, I find it much easier to get to sleep when I have been active than when I've been sedentary for the whole day. 


if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
37 minutes ago, ChaosEngine said:

In addition to what others have said, make sure you're getting sufficient exercise. 

Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times a week. In addition to all the normal health benefits, I find it much easier to get to sleep when I have been active than when I've been sedentary for the whole day. 


I go to the gym 3 times a week, so for me that's not a problem.

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