
Why A.I is impossible

Started by January 09, 2018 12:10 AM
116 comments, last by Alexandra Grayson 6 years, 6 months ago

I like how everybody and their mom is trying to solve the A.I dilemma. You got scientists, mathematicians and all the smarty pants of the world trying to create A.I.

Here is the common sense reason why A.I can't be created.

1. The only difference between a human being and a machine is 'consciousness'. Some people call it a soul or spirit or whatever. Basically, it's energy that's beyond the 5 'human' senses.

2. We are using our 5 senses to create something that is literally 'out of this world'. 

Good luck!


Basically, it's energy that's beyond the 5 'human' senses.

I'm gonna call [citation needed] on that one.

We don't really know what consciousness is yet. Not all of us believe in souls or the supernatural, incidentally. From my point of view, dismissing AI on the grounds that it can't possibly have something that we haven't demonstrated to even exist, never mind form a fundamental aspect of consciousness, seems... premature.

This looks like an attempt to have a religion thread...

1 hour ago, Eric LeClair said:

Here is the common sense reason why A.I can't be created.

1. The only difference between a human being and a machine is 'consciousness'. Some people call it a soul or spirit or whatever. Basically, it's energy that's beyond the 5 'human' senses.

2. We are using our 5 senses to create something that is literally 'out of this world'. 

None of this makes any sense.

2 minutes ago, 0r0d said:

None of this makes any sense.

It's not suppose to. It's hard to process it when you only have 5 animalistic senses. Only people who meditate regularly understand this. Point proven. There is a whole another world that exist beyond these 5 senses. Studying THAT is where the money, time and resources should be going. Everything is there. EVERYTHING! That said, I have seen an A.I powered invoicing for DJs and Artists. Which seems to be reading people's spending and buying habits. Who knows . . .

I think you are referring too an AI that is human-like, because "AI" has existed for centuries.  "Automated rules" for table top games were a form of "AI".  It is a very broad term.

I don't think a human-like AI is impossible, but I don't think it will happen in our lifetimes either.

"I wish that I could live it all again."

1 hour ago, Eric LeClair said:

Only people who meditate regularly understand this. Point proven. There is a whole another world that exist beyond these 5 senses. Studying THAT is where the money, time and resources should be going. Everything is there. EVERYTHING! 

You're doing this:


Even if our brains are some kind of magical antenna that channels in a magical spirit consciousness from another plane of existence... what's stopping us from building our own mechanical antennae that channel magical spirit consciousness into our AI's?


I think you are right in the case of human-like AI, because there is still a lack of appropriate processors, currently distributed processors are digital, but you would need analogue processors in conjunction with analog nano-memories. Not only are digital processors slowly reaching their performance limits, they are still way too slow and consume too much energy. In addition, true neural networks in my opinion are an interconnection of millions if not billions of such processors.

This is an old article but still right in my opinion:

Everything that has ever been done was impossible... right up until the first person to do it, did it.

There are a couple of pretty hard physical laws (thermodynamics, speed of light, etc) that we're unlikely to find a way around, but unless you can show that a particular technology violates one of those laws, we'll probably figure it out eventually (assuming we don't run out of energy/humans/brain cells before that).

36 minutes ago, Kavik Kang said:

I don't think a human-like AI is impossible, but I don't think it will happen in our lifetimes either.

Just to be clear on terminology, you're talking about an AGI (artificial General intelligence). That is, a machine that can reason abstractly outside the bounds of its programming. That's a very difficult thing.

I think a "human-like" AGI is borderline impossible, but only because any kind of true AGI almost certainly won't think like a human. 
On the other hand, any decent AGI will be subject to a singularity and outsmart us in no time at all. 

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

The answer depends on your definition of consciousness. If consciousness is the mere result of awake brain processing, then all we have to do is simulate brain processing and the AI will be able to become conscious which is more likely than the existence of an external spirit force.

On 1/8/2018 at 6:43 PM, Hodgman said:

You're doing this:


Even if our brains are some kind of magical antenna that channels in a magical spirit consciousness from another plane of existence... what's stopping us from building our own mechanical antennae that channel magical spirit consciousness into our AI's?

Just like religion, mediation has been distorted like a mofo too. 

Tthose two links are classic case of running away from your problems - Meditation or spirituality means to achieve clarity to see thing how they are - If you're sitting at the beach, and you observe a bird hopping around for 10 minutes, that's meditation.

To focus on one thing for a while is the true meaning of meditation. 

Also both Alan and Eckart toll talk about an incredible principle that most people can't grasp and that's focusing on the "PRESENT".

In other words, see how things REALLY are. Without a future and a past. 

There is no such thing as time. Just now.

Just a simple focus on that idea can change people's lives.

Anyways, without getting too deep here, AI is ridiculous. It's trying to give life to dead objects. How can you give something you are not aware of yourself (Ends with a Chinese drum sound).

If you don't believe that we're all just molecules vibrating right down to the core (Energy) than this concept is way beyond you. 

Consciousness (Piece of Vibrant energy) has NOTHING to do with your brain. That's the trap . . . This is where people screw up. 

Consciousness has 'access' to the brain. The brain is just a tool. A tool that controls our body. When the body dies, it is our consciousness that connects back to our true form. Vibrant energy. That's it. 

Energy IS. It never dies. It changes, it morphs, it never dies. 

That's what I'm saying. We are all part of one conciseness energy. It's like being in a giant play and we're characters wearing the "human" suit.

Characters = the "Human" life form. 

It's like the human body is our 'virtual reality' suit. It's real (The earth is real as f**k) but you and I are "experiencing" it AS 'humans'.

Our true form is energy. Consciousness . . . To be aware . . .  Let me prove it  . . .

Ever had a good night sleep where you had ZERO dreams? That's the REAL YOU in your truest form. In total BLISS!

The problem with most 'spiritual' people is they forget the number one rule of spirituality which is total detachment.

But these fools, also known as 'hippies', detach from everything except 'spirituality'. Another trap . . .

I don't expect anyone to get this (Heck I've been studying this stuff for like 1.5 years now) but this is where our bliss lies.

Studying consciousness, not wasting billions on giving pieces of plastic something we can't even give our selves . . . life. 

As people, we all need to realize who we truly are. That's when all these stupid wars, racism, all this other stuff will cease and we'll naturally 'evolve' to a higher state. I'm talking about our 'awareness' here. That collective higher awareness will lead us to incredible inventions like intergalactic travel, etc Where we can decide and even jump in and out from the human body back to conciseness and travel all over the Universe. Where we can connect and even allow our ancestors to jump back into human form or we can reach them just through conciseness. Hopping around around on command around the universe, travelling light years in an instant and just enjoying expansion like never before.

Finally, we would have evolved. For good . . . 

Funny thing is some people are already achieving this but only through meditation. However, if we all get in on the action, I bet we'll be doing this physically and consciously. Imagine the entire human consciousness thinking as a whole unit! OH MY!

Even if you are reading this stuff for the first time, there is no way I could have thought of this without meditating for a decent time, my 5 senses aren't capable of such incredible thoughts. You know it!

Doesn't it at least feel fantastic? We have to start "feeling" again. 

We don't need to create something new, we need to access what's already there. 

UPDATE: Holy F! I just wrote 1200 words without getting tired or even thinking. Talk about inspired action :) LOVE IT - Hope I didn't offend the admins - Sorry it just all poured out. Thx!

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