
New to the forum, Hello everyone!

Started by November 24, 2017 10:30 PM
7 comments, last by JM-KinematicSoup 6 years, 9 months ago

Hi Everyone!

I'm new to this forum, though I am active in the general gamedev community.

I'm with a company called KinematicSoup. We make something called Scene Fusion - a real-time collaboration system for Unity (and other engines soon!).

Our *real* mission is to build the best multiplayer system the world has ever seen...

We have a youtube channel here:


Working on Scene Fusion - real-time collaboration for Unity3D (and other engines soon!)

Check it out here!


"Don't make a girl a promise....if you know you can't keep it." - Halo 2

"If they came to hear me beg, they would be disappointed." - Halo 2

"Were it so Easy." - Halo 3

"Dear Humanity. We regret being alien bastards. We regret coming to earth. And we most certainly regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy a** fleet!" - Halo 2

"One Final Effort is all that remains." - Halo 3

"Brute ships! Staggered line! Ship Master, they outnumber us, three to one!"

(response) "Then it is an even fight. All ships fire at will! Burn their mongrel hides!" - Halo 3

"Everyone I have cared for has either died or left me. Everybody  f****** except for you! So you don't tell me I'd be safer with someone else, because the truth is I would just be more scared." The Last of Us

"If you had had a child, Elisabet, what would you have wished for him or her?" (GAIA)

(response) "I guess....I would have wanted her to be...curious. And willful -- unstoppable even...but with enough compassion to...heal the world...just a little bit." Elisabet Sobeck to GAIA - Horizon Zero Dawn

1 hour ago, JM-KinematicSoup said:

Our *real* mission is to build the best multiplayer system the world has ever seen..

That is a impressive goal. You will get a lot of interest here, with so many of us using Unity.

It's a lofty one, for sure. We do have an advantage in that we've figured out a way to use about 2-5x less bandwidth than things like UNET.

Also, we are actually building our system so it can be used by any game engine, even homebrew ones, and by people who want to use frameworks like monogame.

Scene Fusion is in a similar boat: Unity support is first, other engines are in the pipe.

Working on Scene Fusion - real-time collaboration for Unity3D (and other engines soon!)

Check it out here!

Hey, welcome to buddy. 

Game Graphics | Pixel Art | Game Backgrounds | Tools | Tutorials



Hey, very good tutorials for unity on youtube, the 'multiuser winter speed build' is a lot of fun.

I suppose now I'll have to start learning unity. Along with all the other engines and apis on my 'todo' list :)

Yes we have a few tutorials, and some speed builds. We have a few more blogs and whatnot we would like to put up that we think will be helpful, though youtube is mostly going to show what we are working on.

Working on Scene Fusion - real-time collaboration for Unity3D (and other engines soon!)

Check it out here!

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