
Week of Awesome V - Administration Thread

Started by June 02, 2017 08:25 PM
124 comments, last by Elijah Leon 7 years, 1 month ago

I posted on my site on Day 1 of WoA V! I would develop a comment system for the site very soon ^^
Link :

Off course me and newt are in, and we have 2 artists with us this year:

TeamName: Newtopia

Members: Fareeha, PulchraSD, Newt, IYP

both artists are not in GDN

first day journal 



Me and my mate weren't sure if we'd have time for this, but we'd like to join as a late entry if that's possible (everyone knows extra limitations increase creative solutions right? ;) ).

Team Name: The Ludologists

Members: Moofle and CarbonatedSoda

Twitter Handle: moofle_

Never got a reply for this question:

"Can the judges play VR titles?"

Gamedev journal:


Follow me on Twitter:

Question: Can the game be built only for x64, Or is a x86 build necessary?

Never say Never, Because Never comes too soon. - ryan20fun

Disclaimer: Each post of mine is intended as an attempt of helping and/or bringing some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure you I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone.

2 hours ago, DKoding said:

"Can the judges play VR titles?"

I think not. VR is expensive so it's unfair to expect judges to have VR for testing.

Unless one of the judges is making there own VR game it would be difficult to test a VR game. Then there is the fact that not all the VR systems work the same, so even if you have it working it could cause problems with a set the judge is using.

So to be safe, just add VR as a additional feature and not as needed to play the game.


Here we are, we are back on Day 2 already, a nice little video to show what we did on that day! 
I have also posted our Day 2 of WoA V on our website :
I hope to have some opinions about our game!! 


8 hours ago, DKoding said:

Never got a reply for this question:

"Can the judges play VR titles?"

Sorry, i must have missed this.  but no, we don't have enough judges with vr gear to do this.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

I just found out about this jam today!

Can I Join? 

Team name: Mission Imperative!

Members: sketch99 (Elijah Leon)


Website = / Blog = None / Twitter =

8 minutes ago, Elijah Leon said:

Can I Join? 

Yep! As long as you submit a game by the deadline then you're in.

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