
Character Animation book

Started by January 25, 2017 07:17 PM
5 comments, last by bovine.genius 7 years, 7 months ago

Hi guys, I don't know if this is the right section but I want to know if you can suggest me a good book for the character animation. Thank you

Moving to Visual Arts.


For books? I'm no programmer but I think most 3D artist learn from the basics which would be hand drawn animation. Start there first. But I seriously recommend you look up videos.

Im a programmer, I am looking for a book that explains the character animation by using c++ and DirectX.

I believe what you're thinking of is procedural animation. I can't seem to find any books for it, however.


One of the references might point to something helpful. What're you looking to create with procedural animation by the way? It seems to have a bit of a peculiar role.

It doesn't really explain things in c++ or so, but some of the basics of animation are described in this book.

I do not have the following books, but a quick search on amazon gave this book and this book.


Game Engine Architecture has a whole section on implementing an animation system, and even discusses things like animation blending.

This might also be of interest, although it is probably more approachable after reading the relevant chapter in Game Engine Architecture:

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