
Loading multiple animations through ActorxImport in 3DS Max?

Started by October 16, 2016 09:25 PM
6 comments, last by Scouting Ninja 7 years, 10 months ago

I've began working on a simple game in Unity. However, I'm using assets from other games as placeholders until I get mine done. However, I'm having some trouble. I used the plugin "actor X" for 3DS Max, to import PSK and PSA animation files and export them to FXB. However, the only problem is I can only get ActorX to load one animation per model, whilst the animation files are split up into 5 different PSA files (I imagine loading 5 different copies of the same model into one game just for animations is a bad idea). Is there any way I can import multiple animation files to one model? (Note: I can export them to MSA and MAX format as well if that helps any).

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.


Export the animation only, don't include the mesh; backup your file and delete the mesh if you must.

This way you will have a animation .fbx like Male_StandIdle.fbx and Male_Walking1. The .fbx you use to export the mesh should only have poses.

You can now use the Unity animation controller to Blend between Male_StandIdle->Male_Walking1; Unity will treat the .fbx with no mesh as a animation file.


Export the animation only, don't include the mesh; backup your file and delete the mesh if you must.

This way you will have a animation .fbx like Male_StandIdle.fbx and Male_Walking1. The .fbx you use to export the mesh should only have poses.

You can now use the Unity animation controller to Blend between Male_StandIdle->Male_Walking1; Unity will treat the .fbx with no mesh as a animation file.

ActorX refuses to let me export solely the animation alone. It will tell me "MESH IS NOT LOADED" :(

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.


ActorX refuses to let me export solely the animation alone. It will tell me "MESH IS NOT LOADED"

You import it into Max, you should then see both the rig and the mesh. Delete the mesh in Max and export only the rig -only the animation data- to a .fbx. If you can't delete the mesh in max, then check the exporter settings for a animation only option.

ActorX refuses to let me export solely the animation alone. It will tell me "MESH IS NOT LOADED"

You import it into Max, you should then see both the rig and the mesh. Delete the mesh in Max and export only the rig -only the animation data- to a .fbx. If you can't delete the mesh in max, then check the exporter settings for a animation only option.

I tried that and it still won't export it without a mesh :/. There isn't an export animations only option sadly. I'm trying to find other alternatives to exporting .PSK models and .PSA methods into a 3ds max format or FXB format but I can't find anything :(

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.


I tried that and it still won't export it without a mesh :/. There isn't an export animations only option sadly.

example of exporting a model with it's animations.

How to export mesh with animations and exporting animations.

If neither of the above work for you please upload a image of your rig, export settings and the file as it looks in Max. It could be a problem with IK or Mesh animations. FBX will only read bones and morph targets, it will ignore mesh animations like cloth and soft bodies.

IKs will need to be build in the engine or "Baked" for export.


I tried that and it still won't export it without a mesh :/. There isn't an export animations only option sadly.

example of exporting a model with it's animations.

How to export mesh with animations and exporting animations.

If neither of the above work for you please upload a image of your rig, export settings and the file as it looks in Max. It could be a problem with IK or Mesh animations. FBX will only read bones and morph targets, it will ignore mesh animations like cloth and soft bodies.

IKs will need to be build in the engine or "Baked" for export.

So I was able to get it to import out with just the animation track, with no mesh or bones. How do I import that into Unity? Usually with unity when you import a .FBX you have the model and the tracks below it. However, since it's two .FBX files now I'm trying to figure out how to apply the animation FBX to the model.

And lead us not into frustration; but deliver us from GOTOs. For thine is algorithm, the computation, and the solution, looping forever and ever.


Unity doesn't know to who is the animation owner so you need to point it in the right direction.

Unity uses a @ prefix for this.

You use the prefix to name the animations, like this: Model @ Animation .fbx:





I checked the Unity page to see if it was still the same, I used Unity a long time ago, it turns out you can include the mesh and with the @ prefix it won't load the mesh.

I wouldn't recommend keeping the mesh in as it would mean that characters would reach 2-3GB on your hard drive.

A alternate way to do this is to import a animation and then using code to assign the pointers, basically designing your own importer; only recommended if you plan on using Unity forever.

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