
Recommed a Alternitive to Photoshop that has ACTIONS?

Started by August 15, 2016 02:29 AM
10 comments, last by Rattrap 8 years ago

Hi... I'm looking for alternative to Photoshop, preferably a free one that has the ability to record and then replay actions like Photoshop dose.

In Photoshop you can press record and open files, modify it, even paste them into other files all sorts of stuff, save that recording and apply it to other sets of images in a directory. It dosn't need to be to complex, I only need to take images, cut them, resize them and save them.

I'm looking for a cheap, or better yet free app that has these kinds of recordable actions or macros to automate some of the more repetitive tasks in my project.

Dose anyone have any solutions?


There is nothing able to be imagined by one man that can not be achieved by many - Jules Verne

The free alternative to Photoshop is gimp, it can do %90 of what Photoshop can.

There is lots of ways to do what you ask in gimp, just search "gimp automate tasks" or "gimp record macro".

It's going to be more difficult than just using Photoshop, that how free things work, when you pay for software you pay for convenience.

I use both Photoshop and Gimp, it's handy to have them as Gimp is better for fast editing.


Thanks I'll check out GIMP. I knew of this app but I didn't know it supported advanced Macos / Actions / Automation... I'll give it a look see.

I did find a cool app that dose most of what I need, but it is really just a processing application. It can not for example load a sequence of images, rezise them, and then place them on a single image sprit sheet one next to the other in rows and colums like a photoshop action can.. even so it is pretty powerful for other things.

xnConvert. (freeware no ads no surprises)

while you are there get xnView it is a image viewing app I have been using for many years and really like.

There is nothing able to be imagined by one man that can not be achieved by many - Jules Verne


Don't know if ImageMagick would suite your requirements well, but it is a really versatile tool when it comes to image manipulation and automation.
It is not a GUI application, instead it is a suite of command line tools with capabilities, that matches GIMP/Photoshop (from simple transforms to complex filters and effects + commands for drawing too).

I know it sounds a tad bit bare-bones or even frightening :), indeed it is not a free substitute for Photoshop (for that GIMP is the way), but for applying the same transforms for a large set of images (with even context sensitive logic) it is a blast + it has API bindings for a zillion programming languages.
Added extra is, that simple command line scripts can be easily integrated into the build pipeline of a game!


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I was in the same movie before and made a search, not good results. As I remember Serif Photoplus has such features, but the very old version I have had some problems with transparency, cant remember exactly. There is free version with limits but maybe it has macros, really cant remember.

Photoshop CS2 is free. Why not use it?


No, it is not free.

Krita is free and has actions/macros. It also looks and works a damn sight better than GIMP.

No, it is not free.

It is no longer supported, the activation servers are deactivated, and Adobe themselves provide you with the serial.

You still need a license to sell anything you produce with it, I think.

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