
knowing about military strategies and tactics and

Started by December 20, 2015 03:32 PM
9 comments, last by moeen k 8 years, 8 months ago


maybe it was better to put my question in game design section but maybe AI developers can give better answers.

im searching for military logics for strategy and tactics.

for example what are tactics and intelegent positioning in offences and deffences and how forces and teames move and best choices in different situations of conflict and ... . im working on a military MultiPlayer game that AI,s take part too. i need to players choose different tactics and NPCs follow as their tactics or AI commander choose right commands based on players tactics and moves. for example what is best choice when you are on defence and enemy is stronger or more than you or how you should do when enemies come from different ways or different tactics in closed places or in wide open places or these kind of questions. i searched a bit on internet but i couldnt find so much.

thank you for helping

You can learn a lot by reading history.

Even books like the art of war which is thousands of years old are great for ideas in games.

Most well known battle strategies are common sense that play on the fact that commanders might not think straight and that the person who keeps their cool is usually going to win if they press their advantage and aren't vastly outnumbered.

There are lots of inspirations in world war two battles, especially those outside of Europe e.g. the Pacific theatre.

Remember also to look into the strategy of the losing side. It can be fun to try and win the strategy that lost e.g. the alamo or similar. These make very good hard difficulty campaigns.

Have fun!

It depends on your game. Most games have some kind of simplified system to represent terrain, units and battle. Depending on which mechanics you include or exclude, different strategies and tactics can emerge as especially dominant. A simple example is flanking, in some games attacking from the "side" or from behind is ignored, in others it can be decisive.

Studying how other military games, especially those similar to yours, handle this might yield some insight into how to handle this - or in many cases what not to do! For game A.I., not having glaring weaknesses can be more important than trying too hard to make the "best" choices. As an example, in at least one version of Civilisation, if you invaded an opponents territory, they would throw *everything* they had at you to defend themselves... even if you "invaded" by placing several high defensive units on a mountain square (which has a high defensive bonus).

Another important consideration is whether you mind allowing the A.I. to "cheat" in various ways to compensate for the lack of human creativity and ingenuity. This can be a rather simple way to help put the human player at a disadvantage which might result in a more enjoyable, challenging game.

i searched a bit on internet but i couldnt find so much.

What are you searching for? I appear to be getting some interesting stuff just by searching for "strategy game AI".

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but it's interesting reading anyway :D

What are you searching for? I appear to be getting some interesting stuff just by searching for "strategy game AI".

i searched for "modern military strategies and tactics for units and individuals"

Yeah... that's probably a crappy search. How about, "military squad tactics" or "military squad movement" or "military squad flanking"... break it down into smaller chunks.

Dave Mark - President and Lead Designer of Intrinsic Algorithm LLC
Professional consultant on game AI, mathematical modeling, simulation modeling
Co-founder and 10 year advisor of the GDC AI Summit
Author of the book, Behavioral Mathematics for Game AI
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"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"


Do you want to read real military goudebook ?

Real tactics and game tactics so different specially for game.

some real military guides:

But most of them can't be used for gamedev.

I suggest to view guide on battlefield for small groupes.

From my understanding there is a high chance of me being wrong but, in modern warfare they usually use squads of something like 7+ people. There is usually one person that is more in charge of radio messaging. It might not matter a lot for AI development, but there are quite some hand sings as well for squad movement.

I would also think of something like morale with smaller squads, how would it affect performance. Also something like fatigue, how it can make people hallucinate from the lack of sleep. Maybe even discipline, do troops take orders?

Then you could think about military logistics, like how to cut ones supply line and what is the affect of it.

Anyways that is just some random thoughts you might want to consider or just completely drop, because these things do not matter/aren't suited for the game you are making.

Edit: I would probably look for SWAT tactics in the internet, if I were to look something really modern one.

What time period is your game based in? Or is it some kind of futuristic game with units different to any of those that would have been used at any point in human history?

Do you want to read real military goudebook ?

Real tactics and game tactics so different specially for game.

some real military guides:

But most of them can't be used for gamedev.

I suggest to view guide on battlefield for small groupes.

thank you, you gave a very good source to read

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